Mice Babies In 2 Days

thanks guys theyre all looking promising breeders...
gerbil the blonde girl is sitting on the laptop as i type :wub:
she is my fave so tnder and freindly :)
They look pretty fat! Maek sure you dont touch the babies until they are see, as you can really hurt them, and they are too fragile to handlle. But when they can see they can walk, adn some already start hopping, so they are usually strong enough to pick up. Also, the mom may be a BIT DEFENSIVE about her babies.
Aww, they are cute. I love the last pick. She has cool eyes, is there a certain name for thier color? Can mice be litter trained? I like picture two also. Is it too late to nominate it for ptom? If not, I nominate it!
Just to add to what kribensis said...when they do start moving around, they are FAST!!! So be VERY CAREFUL when you open the cage, etc.!!! I've lost a few out the door (caught them, though...) what a headache! lol

I found the cage really stunk after she had the babies, and you can clean the cage or just the nest area after about 5 days without causing problems to them :) When it got down to the last few days, I cleaned the cage every day and layed paper towel down in the nest area so that once she had them, I could lift them easily by lifting the paper towel...you could try that, too ;)

And you better not forget to post pics ASAP after they have their babies!! :wub: :hyper:
haha i wont be touching them when first born then....
cant wait well its one day today!!! :)
they rarely leave the nest..... gerbil looks thin again now :/
but shes still very social...
i guess time will tell...
i hope they do have babies.. as when i bought them they were "supposed" to be pregnant, but no babies arrived....

jaiden of course ill be taking pics :wub:

Aww, they are cute. I love the last pick. She has cool eyes, is there a certain name for thier color? Can mice be litter trained? I like picture two also. Is it too late to nominate it for ptom? If not, I nominate it!

well.... little
minni is "self brown"
roxy is "self black"
and gerbil is "satin fawn"
the male which ill get pics of is "broken dove..."or something like that!
ill try get pics asap!
today is cleaning day :p
They have cute little faces...but I could never handle their tails. They creep me out! Hamsters...now those are okay...no tails. ;)

Good luck with your babies!
yesterday night i put extra nesting in and now i cant see a thing!
is it safe too disterb the nest?
i hear the girls russling about but no squeeking, but its never quiete enough to listen...

all 3 girls have been out at seperate times... and gerbil and minni actually didnt come out for eastenders.... :/
With my girls, I could disturb their nests and they didn't care. All mice are different, though. Unless the babies are actually there, I don't think disturbing them will harm them. I used to just lift up the top of the nest and peek inside lol Try it...you'll be able to tell by momma's reaction if she minds or not lol She may try to nip, she may just try to pull the nest back together or she may just look at you like "What?" like mine did haha
With my girls, I could disturb their nests and they didn't care. All mice are different, though. Unless the babies are actually there, I don't think disturbing them will harm them. I used to just lift up the top of the nest and peek inside lol Try it...you'll be able to tell by momma's reaction if she minds or not lol She may try to nip, she may just try to pull the nest back together or she may just look at you like "What?" like mine did haha
ok hehe :)
*runs off too look into nesty*
*runs back*

theyre all in nest and ran off when i took the top off.....
and nothing there....
but they all ran back and re built....
do they all nest together tho??
Sometimes they'll eat eachothers babies :crazy: I had to keep mine all in their own cages because I lost a whole bunch of babies :(
i was told differ....
oooh :(
hmmmmm ill seperate em..... i have bowls etc and tanks(just as well i lost some bettas a few weeks back o_O)
They shouldnt eat thier own babies. I've even heard of people putting alot of baby mice with 1 mother and she took then right in and fed them. It's possible that there wasnt a succseful mate, but will know soon. If there arent any babies my monday, i'd put the male back in.
They shouldnt eat thier own babies. I've even heard of people putting alot of baby mice with 1 mother and she took then right in and fed them. It's possible that there wasnt a succseful mate, but will know soon. If there arent any babies my monday, i'd put the male back in.

No, they don't usually eat their own babies. They will if they're a nervous mom and are disturbed too much. But mice frequently eat eachothers babies. More aggressive females will destroy more submissive females babies...like I said, I've lost a few batches of babies from other females eating/killing them :(

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