Methylene Blue


Fish Fanatic
Oct 19, 2004
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My catfish doesn't look good.

I have put him in to my medical tank which has the correct dose of methylene blue.

Can the adverage cat fish take methylene blue?.


Methylene Blue
Treats superficial fungal infections of fish. Helps prevent fungal infections on fish eggs; effective against superficial fungal infections. Treats ich. May adversly affect the biological system; quarantine and treat sick fish when possible. Use as an alternative to Malachite Green for the control of fungus when it is known that the fish to be treated are sensitive.

Thanks for the info.

My cat looks like his skin is wearing away, so i decided to put some blue in the medical tank. I just hope the blue does not hurt him like it did with my elephant nose fish.

Hi jbatt :)

How is your cory doing? :unsure:

If you still have him in the Methylene blue, please take him out or change the water to get rid of it. It is not a medicine you should use to treat bacterial infection which is probably what is wrong with him.

Clean water and a little bit of MelaFix might do the trick. However, since this condition has been going on for awhile, I would suggest you go right to using Waterlife’s Myxazin or Interpet’s Anti-Fungus and Finrot medicine.

The other thing you will need to do is to clean your tank well and probably increase your weekly water changing routine because this will go a long way toward preventing a recurrence of the disease in the future.
I think there are better 'cures' on the market these days than Methylne Blue....The 'blue' also can stain plants and ornaments!

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