Metallic Koi Discolouration

hi mark
your blagdon isnt suitable as a pond filter its for water falls and water gardens with no stocking level it may have been ok at the start when the koi where little
if i was you i would be thinking about getting a better filter now the koi and other fish are growing your just going to have more problems if you dont upgrade your filter soon

the biofoam 45 just isnt suitable as a koi filter so i could end up doing more harm the good you will need to do daily water changes and clean the filter in the tank water every other day if not daily
so a better filter is needed and extenal tank filter is needed really but i dont think they do them for smaller tanks so you could try a fluval canister filter as well as the biofoam
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

the air pump carbon will not bother the the meds as its not in direct contact with the water

The Blagdon filter is totally adequate from my perspective. Earlier I did a water test to assess the PH, nitrite, nitrate and ammonia levels and the results came back fine. Given the results, there is really no real reason for upgrading the filtration system. The two fatalities that have occurred within a period of 6 months occurred due to circumstances not relating to the filtration system; my ghost koi which died was dropped on the ground by the person who extracted it from a tank at the aquatics centre and as a result suffered trauma to the jaw area which brought about the mouth rot problem. My orange koi which died just recently, I put down to drastic changes in water temperature & stress caused by other fish; the fish was not mature enough to cope with it's environment and I have doubts about the garden centre where I bought it from.

I'm going to browse around for a more suitable aquarium filter, but due to it being a relatively small tank, I am reluctant to put an internal filtration system in it as it will consume space that I need. An external filtration system would be much more suitable.

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