Metal Halogen On Reef Tank?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 17, 2005
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First off, I'm talking about metal halogen lights, not metal halide lights.

I was walking around Canadian Tire and found for $15 a small metal halogen light with cover and shield etc. and it comes with a clip that can attach to the side wall of a reef tank.

I have a 20g tank and plan on adding coral and fish. The metal halogen light is rated at 150watts.

Is this a suitable light for me? Will too much heat be produced? Will the light spectrum be totally off?
123justin said:
Will the light spectrum be totally off?

Yes, you need at least 5000k (looks very yellow though) Most prefer 7000-10,000k or even higher with actinic suppliment for asthetics.
The spectrum on halogen is not the same as metal halide. I believe halogen spectrum runs about 3200K, low for a marine tank. SH
I am sure this sudject was discussed on another Forum recently (something to do with someone thinking of using a Biosphere for marine nano, which come with Halogen lights as std)

And the outcome (apart from the tank being a bad idea ) was that as SH says the lights are useless in a marine setup as the output level is way to low


Halogen lights tend to be very low typically 8-12W. They are completly the wrong spectrum for a marine tank, a very harsh light that is all wrong for real plant growth or in a marine tank, coral growth.


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