metal halide


New Member
Feb 8, 2005
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peterborough ont
i have reently added a 250 watt 10000k metal halide light to my new reef tank and i think i'm loosing my vision becouse of it is this too bright i found a va=ery inexpencive system and wired it myself
250w halides are genrally the normal wattage systems that most reef keepers use. I would not say its too bright. If this light is leeking out and spoiling your view of the tank then perhap som e sort of construction to cover the stray light
my tank is getting better all my pure white substrate now itsturning alittle brown easing eye fatigue there is no light leakage but with a new aquarium and several hitchhikers showing up with live rock iv done alot of staring
the brown will come.... get worse.. worry you a bit and then go away again. .just to let you know its nothing to worry over and this stage is called the diatom stage. once these diatoms use up all the silicates in the sand. rocks etc then they dissapear..... back to err... white :/

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