Met the most gorgeous budgie today

Dec 10, 2003
Reaction score
Newcastle, England

I had been thinking about getting a couple of budgies for a while and today I saw the cutest little guy ever!! He was albino/white and was a cheeky little dude! But, I resisted but wonder if that was right. I mean I was thinking of getting 2 anyway but I supose 'impulse' buying of pets is not good. The man said they don't get white ones in very often but it wan't just that he looked good. He was funny.

I have not done research into them and would be buying everything at the same time, I can't think what to do.


Definately dont buy him on impulse no matter how cute he is!!

Do you work? Are you at school? You have to think how much time you will be able to spend with him. Even budgies needs a lot of human interaction especially if he is hand reared. If you are going to be out of the house for a large part of the day and there will be no one there to let him out and play with him and train him i would suggest not getting him and waiting until your situation changes so that you have time for a bird.

If however, you will be able to spend at LEAST 5 hours a day with him, out of his cage, then by all means get him! :) I would suggest doing some research first though. If you give the seller a deposit im sure he'd keep the bird for you for a week or so. You will need to buy the biggest cage you can afford for him really, as you dont want to have to change it if you find he's getting stressed in a small cage. Other than that, just make sure he has a good varied diet with lots of fruit and veg etc and you should have a happy healthy budgie! :)

Hope this helped a bit anyway, let us know what you decide wont you?! :)

Thanks for your reply. I would not be keeping them in a cage, I don't agree with it. They would have a cage as their home but it would always be open for them to come out. I am a student, so am at home for large parts of the day and when I am out they would have each other and the guinea pigs to pester. :lol:

I can't think whether it's better to go out looking for a pet or have one catch your eye. I obviously do not want to rush into it, so I like your ide of putting a deposit down on him until I know more. The guy may take half his price as deposit and if I decide against it then it's only money.

I would suggest keeping them in a cage at night as you dont want them flying around unsupervised as they might get hurt, but being out of the cage all day will be lovely for them! :D

When i bought my grey i put a £50 deposit down to ensure that i could collect her after id returned from holiday. Obviously this was nowhere near half of her price!lol Im sure if you put, say, a quarter of the price as a deposit that should be ok, then as you said, if you cant have him its only money and you wont be losing too much! :) Speak to the seller and see if you can sort something out :)

If you do get him be sure to post some pics!!! He sounds adorable! :D

Hey Cheese,

As Jess suggested, I would do a little more research before buying a budgie. He sounds adorable, though, and I think it it better to have the bird "choose" you than trying to choose the bird. :lol: Does that make any sense?

I'm sure any bird you get would be very happy in your home. Good luck if you decide to get one/some :thumbs:
I'm going to get him!! I have been thinking about it since yesterday and I know I would be just gutted if he went to someone else!!

I have been reading on forums about them and have decided to get just one for now to get him tame and then get him a friend.

Any advice/hints/tips greatly appreciated!!

Dana if its a baby budgie ,you can tame it and teach it to talk,we used to have one that could talk,it used to fly about land on my shoulder and eat crisps from me,Loved that bird ,parents bought it just after I was born and we had it till I was 10 then it died.
Hiya cheese!!

I just got a budgie on Sunday.

Mine hops happily onto it's perch already but won't perch on my finger for more than 30 seconds. So I guess it because he knows its his perch and he can trust it!!!

Mine also has it's wings clipped but I will probably not get them clipped after the first moul - depends if it's sufficiently tame or not!!

Definitely go for it!!
Mine is about 3 months (12 weeks) and is obviously intelligent so I dont think its too old to be tamed, so I shouldnt have thought it would matter if he isnt srictly a baby.

It definitely lieks the sound of me typing!! he is chirping away behind me!!

Love budgies.
Keep putting your hand in the cage let him get used to hopping on it,keep saying its name all the trime.
Symon is in the building!!!

I've got him all set up in his cage (biggest I could afford, and the best too I thought by the fittings) and he is looking quiet happy. A bit wary, of course, but watching what is going on around with interest.

Here's some pics, I will get some of him out of the cage soon. I have not opened the cage yet, will do it when he is more settled. Possibly tomorrow.

Here's him in his cage:


It's a bit blinding with both the cage and him being white, I didn't notice 'til I got home!!

Here's a couple of him:



What do you think of him? He is 9 weeks old just now.

I have got him, grit, millet, cuttle fish and seeds (the ones where you blow away the shells daily). I also bought him a carrot and an apple to try him with in a few days. Is there anything else he'd like? I know avocado, caffiene and chocolate are big no nos.

~ Dana ~

* New budgie carer!!! *
He is lovely Dana,think you can give him lettice to :)
I'd be careful with those feed hoppers. My mum had two large canaries and they both got stuck inside those type of feed hoppers on the side. The first one had water and she drowned. the second one, he climbed in a food one (we'd taken out water by then) and he got stuck but we rescued him ok.

Nice budgie!! I was going to get a white one but I saw the one I have and thought she deserved a home more. Best of luck training!!! I left her cage closed all sunday but couldnt wait to start training her!

have fun with symon.

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