Messy Fish?

Le Sorcier

Fish Crazy
Oct 8, 2007
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In my limited experience I've noticed that Platys and Mollies produce loads of waste (visually anyway). But Corys, Guppies etc don't seem to?

I've found with Platys in my tank my filter gets much dirtier? Is this normal?
plecs and shrimp, plecs especially, i breed common plecs so the breeding tubs don't have substrate and you would be amazed how much crap builds up, mounds of the stuff, its unbelievable!
alot of cichlids tend to be messy eaters, and predators like arrowana and snakeheads often tear chunks out of their food rather than swallow it all in one go, so alot of food tends to fall to the bottom uneaten.
Goldfish, Plecos (including Otocinclus), large Cichlids, large oddball predators are all messy. As are snails including Apple Snails.

A happy Pleco is a pooping Pleco!

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