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Your sister and Amanda Bynes!

Your mom and Sharon Osbourne!
Yeah, I thought you would say that :D Really? I would of said she looked like the girl from Matilda :lol: She looked like her when she was younger.

Heres my sisters friend T.j. she wants to know what you guys think :D I think he looks like a hanson brother :blink:

Yeah, The little girl Matilda from Matilda I think she was also in Misses doubtfire.

Tj does look like a hanson brother, supriseingly my sister said his last name is Hanson. :blink:
Thank you, thank you

*takes bow*

That one is right on too cutechic, for Blue Ice I mean.......and I think both the women you have been compared to, and you Blue Ice, are all beautiful

:nod: :*

Thanx gaya, are you sayin i look mean, old, am wearing poor make-up, and UGLY??? :p The hulk my ass. :D
mr_miagi32 said:

Thanx gaya, are you sayin i look mean, old, am wearing poor make-up, and UGLY??? :p The hulk my ass. :D
What are you talking about? I had such a crush on the hulk when I was growing up but :wub: i suppose I'm weird. You remind me of him and my friend steve as well but that would't be any fun to post. Now I'm lookin for wonder woman. :shifty:

edit: I'll be wonder woman!!!
Alright, alright.

I've been lurking this topic for a while, I figure it's time to post.


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