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wuvmybetta said:
awwww,Olive :wub:


Or in 10 years
sakaspuds said:
* best Ard man cockney accent

Leave it!

I think Aquascapers was closer, though when me and my dive buddy are together we do get called Phil and Grant.

digital_run said:


Ty Pennington..from TLC's Trading Spaces show...omg that man is HOT :drool: .

StrontiumDog said:
SRC are you sure your not Christina Aguilera?
lol...*checks bank account* Nope..not her :lol:
Hahaha i love the vanilla ice one...anyone watch the last season of the Surreal life??

Oh god my mom loves Ty pennington....Low blow SRC :p

And who is Ryan Cabrera....Never heard of him...but if "he" looks like "me" then hes gotta be good lookin :rofl: :rofl: :huh:
And who is Ryan Cabrera....Never heard of him...but if "he" looks like "me" then hes gotta be good lookin

Ryan is a popular singer here in the states, supposedly dating Ashlee Simpson (Jessica Simpson's sister).
Awww man Ty is hot....he's in his mid twenties and has a BANGIN body....every woman I've ever seen watch that show..ONLY watches it because he's in it lol..they could care less about whatever stupid little project their doing lol.

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