Member's fish lists

Michael Roth

May 24, 2004
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One thing that a competing forum has that I think could be useful here is a <surprise surprise > member's fish list. it assists others by directing them to members that have the species you are looking for information on. I looked for similar here, forgive me if I missed it.

And here is the stuff.

Jardini Arowana - Scleropages Jardini
Purple Spotted Gudgeon - Mogurnda Mogurnda
Pygmy Catfish - Synodontis Petricola
Blue Turquoise Discus - Symphysodon Aequifasciata Haraldi
Cobalt Blue Discus - Symphysodon Aequifasciata Haraldi
Snow White Discus - Symphysodon sp
Pigeonblood Discus - Symphysodon sp
Clown Loaches - Botia macracanthus
Golden Zebra Loaches - Botia histrionica
Hillstream Loach - Beaufortia Kweichowensis
Otto Cats - Otocinclus Vittatus
Uaru - Uaru amphiacanthoides
Green Severums - Heros Severus
Gold Severums - Heros Severus
Spotted Bristlenose - Plecostamus Ancistrus
Gold Rams - Papiliochromis Ramirezi
Marble Pim - Leiarius longibarbis
Senegal Bichir - Polypterus senegalus
Ornate Bichir - Polypterus ornatipinnis
Fire Eel - Mastacemblus erythrotaenia
Yoyo Loach - Botia almorhae
Jaguar Cichlid - Cichlisoma Managuense
Rainbow Snakehead - Channa bleheri
Blue Panaque L239
Lima Shovelnose - Sorubim lima
Tiger Datnoid - Datnioides microlepis
Motoro Ray - Potamotrygon motoro
Florida Gar - Lepisosteus platyrhincus
We did used to have our fish lists in our signatures (and some people still do) but the mods outlawed it so now you have to go to each members profile one by one to find out what they have. Go figure.
Ok heres mine


Jardini arowana/Scleropages jardini
Motoro stingray/Potamotrygon motoro
ornate bichir/Polypterus ornatus
armoured bichir/Polypterus delhezi
senegal bichir/Polypterus senegalus
purple striped gudgeon/Morgurnda adspersa
Ceylonese green snakehead/Channa gachua
dwarf dragon goby/Rhinogobius wui
golden wonder panchax/Aplocheilus lineatus


Guyana slopehead catfish/Ageneiosus brevifilis
spotted shovelnose/Hemisorubim platyrhynchos
lima shovelnose/Sorubim lima
ornate pim/Pimelodus ornatus
white lined pim/Pimelodus albofaciatus
sailfin pim/Leiarus pictus
ornate african wood catfish/Chrysichthys ornatus
spotted raphael/Agamyxis pectinifrons
brown hoplo/Hoplosternum thoratacum
black Asian upside down catfish/Mystus leucophasis
upside down catfish/Synodontis nigriventris
dwarf giraffe catfish/Auchenoglanis ngamensis
Tatia neivai
sterbai cory/Corydoras sterbai
peppered cory/Corydoras palateus
panda cory/Corydoras panda
xingu cory/Corydoras xingu
red whiptail catfish


Oscar/Astronotus ocellatus
green severum/Heros severus
demon eartheater/Satanoperca jurapari
pearl Cichlid/Geophangus brasilliensis
Jack Dempsy/Cichlasoma octofasciatum
spangled pike Cichlid/Crenicichla sveni
bellycrawler pike Cichlid/Crenicichla sp "bellycrawler"
kribensis/Pelvicachromis pulcher


African pike Characin/Hepsetus odoe
yellow finned Chalceus/Chalseus erythrurus
silver dollar/Metynnis argenteus
Leporinus fasciatus
Congo tetra/Phenacogrammus interuptus
marbled hatchet fish/Carnegiella strigata


Siamese algea eater/Crossocheilus siamensis
pentazona barb/Barbus pentazona

Brackish fish

mono/Monodactylus argenteus
scats/Scatophagus argus argus and Scatophagus argus arromaculatus
siamese tiger fish/Couis microlepis
FW moray eel/Gymnothorax tile
white cheeked moray eel/Echidna rhodocheilus
columbian shark catfish/Arius seemani
toad fish/Batrachus gruniens
archer fish/Toxtes jaculatrix
bumble bee goby/Brachygobius doriae
green spotted puffer/Tetraodon nigroviridis
FW flounder/Brachirus salinarum
SirMinion said:
We did used to have our fish lists in our signatures (and some people still do) but the mods outlawed it so now you have to go to each members profile one by one to find out what they have. Go figure.

Here's my current tank:
125 litre Planted Blackwater Amazon Tank:
Cockatoo Cichlid x3 (Apistogramma cacatuoides) 1m/2f
Neon Tetra x16 (Paracheirodon innesi)
Pencilfish x3 (Nannostomus unifasciatus) 1m/2f
Oto Cat x6 (Otocinclus affinis)
False Network Cory x4 (Corydoras sodalis)

Going to fix my signature now... :*)
SirMinion said:
We did used to have our fish lists in our signatures (and some people still do) but the mods outlawed it so now you have to go to each members profile one by one to find out what they have. Go figure.
Got to stick up for the mods here, I think the forum's far better without having to scroll past a mile of cr*p per post, that 9 times out of 10 is completely irrelevant. It's really not a huge effort to click on a person's name if you want/need to find out what fish he/she has (which is fairly irregular).

Now we just need a nice out-of-the-way place where people can put their innane quotes and enormous animated .gif's and life will be just peachy.

*Prepares handbag for battle* :crazy:
Severum: Heros severus
Surinam geophagus: Geophagus surinamensis
Rainbow cichlid (9): Herotilapia multispinosa
Uaru: Uaru amphiacanthoides (Doing great BTW)

Purple spotted gudgeon: Mogurnda mogurnda
Peacock gudgeon: Tateurndina ocellicauda
(My dad might be able to raise some Peacock fry for me eventually :p )

Bulldog pleco: Chaetostoma thomasi
Clown pleco: (Name changed, IDK scientific)
Pictus catfish: Pimelodus pictus
Otocinclus (4): Otocinclus affinis
Peppered cory (2): Corydoras paleatus
Bronze cory (2): Corydoras aenus
Featherfin synodontus: Synodontis eupterus

Leopard bushfish (2): Ctenopoma acutirostre
Blue gourami (Opaline color morph): Trichogaster tichopterus
Pearl gourami: Trichogaster leeri
Honey gouramis (2): Colisa chuna

Senegal bichir (2): Polypterus senegalus
Ropefish: Erpetoichthys calabaricus

Serpae tetras (6): Hyphessobrycon serpae
Head and tail light tetras (4): Hemigrammus ocellifer

Scarlet/burmese badis: Badis badis burmanicus

Nandids (leaf fish)
Schomburgk's leaf fish: Polycentrus schomburgki

African butterfly fish: Pantodon buchholzi

Skunk loach (2): Botia morleti

I used an old book for the spelling on a few scientific names, so they may be outdated :D
good idea! heres mine:

4 pink convicts
3 green severums
1 oscar
2 jewels
2 firemouths
1 kenyi
bettas out the wazoo
clown loach
senegal bichir
common oscar
aeneus cory
brevirostris cory (I think)
peppered cory
kuhli loach
Guppies all over the place
Questionable Cories (meaning I have no idea which one)

Soon to be added...
Purple Spotted Gudgeon
Ghost shrimp
Something people overlook: you can turn signatures off. Granted you own't be able to see the useful or funny sigs, ut you won't have to take so long scrolling down.

My fish:
Neon tetras
Black skirt tetras
Corydoras (Schwartz's and albino/anaeus)
Betta Splenden
Dwarf Gouramis
Harlequin rasboras
Zebra danios

Critters: Ghost shrimp

Fish and critters I used to have:
Silver dollars
Iridescent shark
Leopard danios
Common Plec
Green Sunfish
Gold Gourami
Blue Gourami
Zig Zag Eel
Pineapple Lyretail Sword
Tiger Pleco
Chocolate Pleco
Black Ghost Knife
Senegal Bichir
Bala Shark
Bolivian Ram
Blue Turq Discus
Red Turq Discus
Cobalt Discus

Blue Acaras
gold ram
bolivian rams
checkerboard cichlid
keyhole cichlids

neon tetras
glow light tetras

albino cories
bristlenose catfish
Ah well, here's ours. (may not be entirely up to date)
3 Peppered Corries
2 Julii Corries
2 Albino Corrys
4 BN Pleco

5 Mollies (3 fm 2m)
20 Molly Fry
4 Guppies (2m 2fm)

1 Pearl Gouramis
2 Opaline Gouramis

9 Neon Tetras
2 Silver Sharks
1 Silver Dollar
2 Clown Loaches

3 ADFs

2 Goldfish
1 Hillstream loach

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