

Jul 10, 2003
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Texas, USA
Whats yall's experience with this? I had a bottle I used up betwenn 2 tanks but I don't think I treated long enough. How long does it take to work and how long should you use it? I was using it for some nipped/torn fins. Any information would be great. My hubby doesn't think its worth the $.
Thanks. B)
missyintx_99 said:
Whats yall's experience with this? I had a bottle I used up betwenn 2 tanks but I don't think I treated long enough. How long does it take to work and how long should you use it? I was using it for some nipped/torn fins. Any information would be great. My hubby doesn't think its worth the $.
Thanks. B)
It's a great product. Probably the best there is out there.

You don't need to use it for nipped fins tho. All finnage will grow back in a week-week in a half.

Just keep your water clean.
I had originally purchased it for an injured Texas I had, but he didn't make it. So it said it was good for healing ripped or torn fins and while I can tell they are healing on my Angel, my GT's doesn't seem to be. I just thought maybe it would help and it didn't seem like it did.
What are the things you *would* use it for?
i love mela fix. love love love it..i would marry it if i wasn't already.... -_- :lol: :* :wub: hahahahhahahaha

question: u keep an angel with a GT?...hows that working out so far?
No, the Angel and the GT(Cuervo) are not in the same tank :thumbs: . I have 4 tanks, 2 are sa/ca cichlids, 1 is baby angels (6 of them ranging from about .25 - .50") and the other is a general tropical tank, which is the home of my 3" angel (his name is Aros). I'm planning to get another tank up before the end of the year to move some of my cichlids into as they grow.

When I was using the Melafix, it was in 2 seperate tanks! Thanks for asking tho....... :lol:
Another opinion.................

I have used it in the past and have found it to be of no benefit whatsoever!!!

IMO a snake oil made to seperate one from their money.

A better all around product would be Dick Boyds VitaChem. It not only promotes fin/tissue regeneration, but has a much useful vitamin for the fish.

It is also beneficial for lateral line disease and helps stop the spread of hole in the head disease.

I'm using Melafix, aquarium salt, and FREQUENT water changes to treat my oscar with HITH, and he the improvement is phenomenal. I think he may just survive. He started to get some white spots along his side that are no longer there(lateral line I think it's called). I've been trying to locate medicated sticks and VitaChem, but have been unable to do so. I honestly think that the melafix has done wonders for him.

I'm with Cichlidmaster on this one. The product has never done anything for me or my pets. I've tried it several times because of glowing reviews I've read. It is my belief that fish that recover with Melafix would recover without it. When I've used it on really sick fish they die as expected.
I have used melafix with great success. One thing to consider is this product is much like most medicines. They lose potency if left sitting on the shelf, or in your fish med drawer.
Melafix used on its own dosent seem to do much but when combined with other meds it does seem to speed things up,or at least stop the disease from spreading.
I recently used it combined with a anti bacterial med to treat a case of popeye and had it all healed up in 3 days,when ive used the anti bacterial alone before it has taken around a week.
I've NEVER been able to cure popeye with any med. I have bad luck I guess. Yes, I change the water and have very good quality.
I'm using Melafix, aquarium salt, and FREQUENT water changes to treat my oscar with HITH, and he the improvement is phenomenal.

I'm so glad to hear that your O is getting better.

This is a great thread!

I've never known anything that works better than melafix, but others say otherwise and list what they like and what works for them.

We all learn from a thread like this. That's what a forum all about, imo. :)

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