

Fish Fanatic
Jan 15, 2011
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warminster Pa
is this stuff okay to use in a tank with corys and plecos? they seem healthy but my other fish have some issues cotton mouth and popeye
thanks in advance for any help
I'm not sure about safety with Corys (should be no problem with plecos), but it has never worked for me. Given the issues you name, I think you may have a problem with water quality. What are the parameters and maintenance schedule?
I'm not sure about safety with Corys (should be no problem with plecos), but it has never worked for me. Given the issues you name, I think you may have a problem with water quality. What are the parameters and maintenance schedule?
i havent tested the water in a while i do regular changes i have several groups of fish laying eggs in the tank including the angel with the cotton mouth they are doin fine just looks nasty
Erm, if they cotton mouth and pop eye, they are most definitely not doing fine. Both of these diseases will eventually lead to death, even if it does take months. Spawning can be a sign of happy fish, but it can just as easily be a sign of fish feeling in poor health (a rush to procreate so the species does not become extinct).
is this stuff okay to use in a tank with corys and plecos? they seem healthy but my other fish have some issues cotton mouth and popeye
thanks in advance for any help

nothing in melafix except teatree oil and an emulsifier. so safe for cory.

i also agree with the comments of Kitty Kat. things are far from fine!
I agree - Melafix isn't really the remedy for those ailments. You would be better off treating them with Myxazin which is a good anti-bacterial and I've always had great success with it in the past, although there are various other products you can choose from that others recommend.

Those symptoms you described - pop eye and mouth fungus - are caused by a bacterial disease. Lots of causes for this - high levels ammonia/nitrites, poor tank hygiene, over feeding, stress from overcrowding, bullying, bad water conditions etc. (In my case, I had a molly that was being harrassed one day by her mate (overly frisky male) and the next day...pop eye! Did a water change then began treatment with Myxazin and within 2 days her pop eye was back to normal. I had to separate the molly pair for a while to calm the situation).

So although you need to treat those poorly fish you should also try to find out what caused it in the first place to prevent it re-occurring (which it will if it's not sorted out).

In the meantime, do some daily water changes until you can get the medical treatment.

Regards, Athena
I agree - Melafix isn't really the remedy for those ailments. You would be better off treating them with Myxazin which is a good anti-bacterial and I've always had great success with it in the past, although there are various other products you can choose from that others recommend.

Would myxazin work good for fin rot? Would chain pet stores carry this? (petsmart,petco) or is it something i would have to jump through hoops for?
Myxazin will do fin rot, yes, and it should be very easy to get hold of.

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