Melafix and bettas


Fish Aficionado
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Near Madison, WI
I've gotten the impression that several people from the forum really like MelaFix, cuz I've been told by SEVERAL people to try it for fin problem and, well, really most other problems I've ever posted about.

Well, a few days ago I decided to dump the amount recommended on the bottle in both Harvey's tank and Archie's tank.
They've been getting the recommended doses for 3 days in a row.
Tonight, we returned from dinner to find Archie (who's normally pitch black and swimming around like a complete psycho looking for food) in his tank - completely washed out with very apparent horizontal stripes. He was laying on top of his little archway. I did an immediate 100% water change - when he went back into the tank, he returned to his pitch black color and was psychotically looking for food once again (Thank god).

With Harvey, almost his entire head had turned sort of a rusty blood red color and he was just hanging mid-tank. Not swimming the snake dance. Also got a 100% water change. (also, he stopped making a bubble nest the day I started the MF) Put him back in after the WC and he's fine again.

Can someone please explain what the deal is with that stuff? Because Raechel and I found out by some random post yesterday that bettas aren't supposed to get the full amount of MF.

I had planned to do a full water change last night but didn't get to it.

I also REALLY REALLY think that if bettas aren't supposed to get the same amount of MF as everybody else, that should most definitely be a pinned topic.
i use melafix all teh time for my bettas, its the elixer of life! :lol: but for bettas it's gotta be watered down because they are a little more sensitive than other fish, other than that its great mixed with salt and heals up your fish in a jif :thumbs:
I'm gonna toss mine right out tonight.
It almost cost me 2 fish tonight.
Thank god I hadn't gone away for the weekend or anything.
MAN... they should have a note on the bottle about the warnings of using on bettas.

I just went and read the big ol' article by cation - that SHOULD BE PINNED!! mods!!!
well they dont need a lable, they came out with bettafix :D dont gotta toss the stuff out, just mix with half and half with water and u got urself instant bettafix ;) :thumbs:
Yeah, well I'm still kinda ticked off.
They should then put something on their label about using BettaFix rather than MF for bettas.
I have yet to see BF in any store where I've seen MF.

I have 2 bottles of the stuff too.
well just keep, it could come in handy one day, u keep other fish besides bettas right? watering it down next will be fine, u just had to potent a dose in there for the fish, its not the med's fault. u are right thogh there should be a list on there saying that certain fish should have weakend doses for treatment ;)
hm, i've been using mf for my 2 boys since their nasty little fight. and i hadn't been doing water changes because the label says not to until the 7th day. but after i read cation's post i went & did a 100% water change and did 1 today also. my guys seem to be doing better, but who can tell for sure. i also have 2 filters in their tank so maybe that makes a difference? do you have filter(s) in your tank(s)?
no no, dont boycot melafix, its good stuff, just put a sticky note on the bottle saying to mix half and half with water :thumbs: iv nvr had problems, the stuff saved be a tank full of 50 guppy fry from popeye, and saved all of my bettas with fin rot in atleat one occasion :thumbs:
Melafix can be toxic in small tanks because it is so concentrated. Plus, if you don't have a lot of aeration in the tank it can suffocate your fish. It's a great medication, but you just have to be careful with it. I like to think of it as more of a... hmmmm... herb? Not like a strong, over-the-counter prescription. :)
I hated Melafix with a passion there for a while when I lost 4 females by using the recommended dose on the back of the bottle... since then I've learned to use much less of it, and it works wonder!

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