Mekong puffer


Fish Herder
Nov 1, 2004
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Hi guys. Does anyone know much about this puffer fish please? Have googled it but apart from bare facts, ie it's scientific name is tetradon suvatii, there's not a lot. Main questions are:
1. Are they freshwater species.
2. How big a tank do they require.
3. Do they grow bigger than 5 inches.
4. They are tons cheaper than mbu puffers, why?

Thanks in advance.
1. Are they freshwater species. Yes
2. How big a tank do they require. 20 gallons (if I remember correclt that they are the ones which spend all day under the sand...)
3. Do they grow bigger than 5 inches. No.
4. They are tons cheaper than mbu puffers, why? Mbu's grow huge.
glolite said:
Hi guys. Does anyone know much about this puffer fish please? Have googled it but apart from bare facts, ie it's scientific name is tetradon suvatii, there's not a lot. Main questions are:
1. Are they freshwater species.
2. How big a tank do they require.
3. Do they grow bigger than 5 inches.
4. They are tons cheaper than mbu puffers, why?

Thanks in advance.

Ok, tetraodon suvatii, Also known as the Pignose Puffer and the Arrowhead Puffer.
  1. Yes, this is a true freshwater species.
  2. I'd say 25 to 30 US gallons for one fish with no tankmates furnished with rock or wood caves and a sand, leaflitter or mud substrate.
  3. Adult size is five to six inches.
  4. Because they are common in the wild, can be collected in populated areas and can be captive bred by fish farms in thailand for export to the pet trade. Two foot long Mbus cannot be captive bred.
Other points to consider are:
  • Suvattii Puffers come from Asia but are often sold as the African Congo Puffer t.murius which is an entirly different species. Be sure of what you're getting.
  • This is a highly predatory fish eating puffer that will kill and eat other fish of any species even if they are several times its size therefore it can be kept with no tankmates at all.
  • They hunt by ambush and will spent 99% of the time lying motionless in a cave waiting for food to swim by. If you want an active, visible fish, then this is not the fish for you.
Thanks loads everyone, that was really helpful. They are being sold as mekongs not congo puffers (which are my favorite but I haven't got a big enough spare tank), however I do have a spare 20g. Still thinking though.
I have one! His name is Spud and he lives in a freshwater 20gal.

They need sand, because they like to bury themselves.
It's important to wean them off live foods (Spud loves gut loaded river shrimp) and get them eating a variety of foods. Spud likes mussels, cockles and prawns but for some reason doesn't like lance fish. You do that by making the food dance on a bit of string like it's alive. You should take out any uneaten food so it doesn't rot and make the nitrites high. Spud will also eat live jumbo bloodworm, but makes quite a mess with it. Spuds appetite varies a lot. While he was growing he was begging for food almost every day and I was worried he was eating too much. Now he eats every three or four days and refuses food if he's not hungry. Sometimes when begging for food, Spud will puff up for attention, don't worry about this it's normal.
They are sensitive to nitrates. Spud goes off his food if his nitrates are too high.

Spud is about 6-7 inches long and seems to have stopped growing, he grew very quickly.
Thanks hellohefalump, I'm going back to the lfs tomorrow to have another look. VERY tempted!! :hey:
they're lovely, Spud's got a definate personality... My mum came to visit but she said he looks sinister. They're a good talking point...

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