Meet The Family!

I was going to say save your tests but you'll have so much you've loads to spare! Just keep an eye on the expiry dates and use them within the specified time frame - e.g. within 12 months of opening. Have only used API so check what the tetra ones actually suggest.
ohh never thought of expiry dates! will have a look later! 
Here's a picture of the eldest fry, she's probably going to turn out to look like her mother.
Thanks MamaShack! Does anyone ever feel too said about giving them away? I've got so attached to them, I want to keep them all!!
why do all the fry look female? Do all fry appear female at 1 week old or have i genuinely got all females? They all have the fanned out anal fin. 
I've posted a picture of a fry showing the fin.. all the fry look like this.. so are they all female or have i mad a massive mistake??

Sorry in advance for the shocking photo quality, the fry are so small and my zoom isn't powerful! 
I'm not sure about guppies but I know platies can't be sexed until about 6 weeks or so and sword tails can take months. All of the fry will appear as female until sexual maturity when the males developed their gonopodium (pointy anal fin)
Ahhhh that makes so much more sense, i thought it was genetics gone mad! Thanks for the info! 
Actually it's 4-5 months before you can say for definite with platies. I had one fry at 4 months that I was convinced was female then suddenly overnight his gonopodium appeared! By which time of course they have probably mated and that may be why most females in the LFS tend to be pregnant when bought unless they are very young.
There will be differences from strain to strain of course, but I would say 4 months is a pretty late bloomer for a platy, of course thy will grow and mature at different rates depending on health,water conditions and diet. It all depends
You may be right Fresh. I thought all mine were females at 3 months but was informed in the Livebearers' section that it can be 5 months before you know for definite. Once there's a gonopodium you know for sure, but some boys can develop late. I can usually tell by behaviour which is which as the boys in my tank tend to be more aggressive and chase their siblings more than the girls.
That's another good reason to do weekly water changes - diluting hormones, be it sexual or stress-related.
Guess I'll just have to wait then! Hope they show soon, I go to Uni in 3 months.. I don't trust my mum with sexing them!! 

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