Meet My Fur-babies


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Mar 3, 2009
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We currently have 3 dogs, but have fostered 1 dog in the past.

Gracie is an 11 yr old Italian Greyhound, weighing in at 13lbs. I found her while searching for a puppy, and when I found out she was going to be shot if she was not rehomed...... well, I couldnt let that happen. She was 10 when she came to us and will be 12 Aug. She is VERY timid, and we even still scare her a little bit with quick movements or heavy steps . She sleeps on our pillows, love treats, and sunning herself outside. She will sit in the window, and wait to see a cat, squirrel, another dog, or person to bark at. And she will dig at your hand for head rubs.... Gracie lives for head rubs!!


Jetta is our 8, almost 9 year old Italian Greyhound, and is also 13 lbs. We adopted her from the IGCA last Aug. I drove 200+ miles for her, and it was worth every mile. Jetta is my heart dog :wub: AND my troublemaker. She can, and will jump on the kitchen counter from a sitting position to get to the loaf of bread, plate, or anything she deems yummy enough to go for. She knocks over the trash can almost on a daily basis, we ended up putting the Xpen around it!! Jetta is very assertive, yet loving, and cuddly with the right person. She sleeps between my knees every night, and loves to give kisses.


Avery is the newest addition to our family. He is a 1yr old Miniature Schnauzer, at 17 lbs. He has been a part of our family for almost 3 wks. So I am still learning about him, and what he is like. But I can tell you he would rather steal your sock, and play with it over a toy!! He HATES being groomed, which we just learned today, he really likes the little pomeranian on the other side of the fence, he hates the sound of the fire truck siren, and howls with it. Avery sleeps either on our big chair, or with my brother who lives with us. Avery also doesnt like riding in the car, but likes when we get to where we are going... poor guy gets car sick, but we are working on that, and hes doing better! My friend has his litter mate Pepper Jack.


My brother has a Parakeet, her name used to be Patrick, till we found out she was a girl!! Now I call her Patty! She talks to herself in her little mirror, And is very grumpy since her cage mate passed about 2yrs ago.

Last year we fostered a 6mo old Old English Sheepdog, her name was Cassie... if we didnt live in that dinky apatrment, we would have kept her. Aside from chewing on everything.... she was perfect, fun to play with, and played hard!! We miss her very much.
Love all your dogs. The little budgie is cute too. I want a little parrot like that when I have my own house. That's very good of you to have adopted, or fostered, all of those dogs. When you foster, how long is it usually for?
Love all your dogs. The little budgie is cute too. I want a little parrot like that when I have my own house. That's very good of you to have adopted, or fostered, all of those dogs. When you foster, how long is it usually for?

The amount of time you foster a dog just depends on how long it takes to find them a home, but long enough to give them time to heal from vet visits, (spay, neuter, dental cleanings)
We had Cassie about 3-4 months. But we werent an 'official foster' I knew a lady who her, she was gonna bring her to the pound, I couldnt let that happen.
We took her, I called an OES rescue, spayed her, and placed her in a great hiome. I still receive emails from time to time from her new family. It is a great feeling to give a dog a second chance!!

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