Meet Cid! ((rambling Ahead))


Fish Aficionado
Jan 23, 2007
Reaction score
South Carolina
Well for the longest time I've been wanting a french bulldog.
But with how expensive they are (1500 to easily 4k) I knew I would never get one unless by some chance we found some that were cheaper.
Well recently for some reason I can't remember, I've been on a really big "I MUST have a puppy" phase. I looked through every single frenchie website I could find. Looked at our state newspaper online classifieds to see if there were any etc etc.
I finally found one frenchie breeder that's near us and got an appointment to see them tomorrow (Monday).
But in the newspaper online.. I saw an ad for puppies called "Frenchtons" part french bulldog (3/4) part boston terrier(1/4).
They were less than half the price of what the french bulldog breeder wanted and since they had so much frenchie in them, we decided we'd go take a look at them and got an appointment to see them earlier today (Sunday).

Welp, noon came and fiance's family was going to drive us out to see them since they wanted to look at them as well.
We finally get there and we were totally knocked off our feet as soon as we saw them.
They were the cutest, most hyper, sweetest puppies. The owner had them outside in a large caged kennel, and as soon as she let them out, all cuteness hell was let loose. Our feet were totally covered with dirt from them all and we all fell in love.
I knew we were going to get one, the look on fiance's face said it all. He had fallen in love with them and I just knew I was finally going to get my frenchie, well.. faux frenchie heh.
We were there almost 2 hours trying to decide which one we wanted though. That's just how adorable they all were.
It was between the runt boy, a cute little dark colored girl, or a cute little dark colored boy with light markings on his face.

I was hesitant to get a boy since I really do prefer female dogs, but the one with the markings on his face won me over. Actually I would've been happy with any of them, but I knew fiance really liked this guy.
So yep, we got ourselves a little puppy... and named him Cid :D We didn't know what we wanted to name him, fiance was joking and said we should name him Sid Viscous after some rocker (can't remember what band), I didn't like that idea, but I did like the name well.. cept spelled with a C instead of an S heh.

Anyways! I know you just came to see the pics! So here they are. Better pics will be posted once he settles in more. He's surprisingly settled in pretty quickly though. He's still a bit hesitant around us but the breeder really raised these puppies well.




This is him eating his puppy food. His cute lil butt had half his body in the bowl before it tipped over :p heh


I forgot to mention.. that fiance also bought 2 more of the puppies for his sister and his mother :) And the price was still less than what a purebred frenchie would've cost!
The one on the left is the one his mother wanted. It's a little girl she named Molly.
The one on the right is a little boy that his sister fell in love with. She was going to call it Oink since he reminded her so much of a piggy, but I think she's going to name it Durrock or something like that after an actual pig breed heh. Think she said she was just going to call him Rock though hehe

And here is all 3 gnawing on his sister's hands. We left them in the bathroom while we went out to get dinner and go to the petstore and when we got home, the water from their bowl was all over the floor and all of the toilet paper on the roll was as well heh.

They look big in the pics, but they really are very small. I'm gonna have to take pics of our Cid next to our other 2 dogs so you can get a good perspective on his actual size.
He's such a good boy though. He's only had 2 accidents in the house so far and the rest of the time he's gone outside like a good little boy :D He has some wicked bad gas though. My god it's horrible! :sick: We're hoping it's nothing wrong with him and that he just had to poo (which he did later on)... all 3 are going to get checked out on Friday though to make sure everything is ok.
More pics to come tomorrow when Cid gets his first bath cause he's a stinky puppy! hehe
"So yep, we got ourselves a little puppy... and named him Cid biggrin.gif We didn't know what we wanted to name him, fiance was joking and said we should name him Sid Viscous after some rocker (can't remember what band), I didn't like that idea, but I did like the name well.. cept spelled with a C instead of an S heh."

That would be the Sex pistols... one of the best walking disaster areas to come out of the 70's. You just have to love a rock star that was so out of control, he was once beat up by his own body guard.

for a hyper active puppy... I love the name..
Ohmygosh!! Cid and Molly and Rock are really cute! I am so happy for you that you finally got your frenchie in some form. Oh, the gas? Get used to it!! Frenchies are notorious for being very, very gassy.

I hope you'll update us with more cute pics every couple of weeks.
oh how unbelievably cute

this pic gets a POTM from me

Ah Cid is very cute :wub: hope he settles in well :good:
More pics! YAY! hehe
with commentary... booo :p lol

Cid is such a good boy. He would've slept through the entire night if I hadn't kept waking him up take him outside. He wanted to sleep longer too but we were waking up so he had to, at least for a little while.

After some light playing and some eating... he just couldn't handle any more fun



After his hour nap, it's time to play!



Sheepy.. you're my bestest friend :wub:

But the fun couldn't last... it was time for Cid's first bath. He didn't whine, but he sure didn't like it



Think of a happy place, think of a happy place!

Aaahhh.. all done

Now it's time to go sit out in the sun and get all dirty again!




Who knew the simple action of stepping down would be so daunting

But in the end... all is right with the world...
My friend had a Frenchie. They drool and slobber an aweful lot, pass gass, snore, get heatstroke, and like to try and swallow tennis balls, but they are cute.

I second Miss Wiggle's POTM nod.

My friend had a Frenchie. They drool and slobber an aweful lot, pass gass, snore, get heatstroke, and like to try and swallow tennis balls, but they are cute.

I second Miss Wiggle's POTM nod.


We already had the pleasure of experiencing his power of passing gas last night lol. Thankfully he's stopped today since he pooped a bunch last night, but MAN, he was about to run us out of the house!
My friend had a Frenchie. They drool and slobber an aweful lot, pass gass, snore, get heatstroke, and like to try and swallow tennis balls, but they are cute.

I second Miss Wiggle's POTM nod.


We already had the pleasure of experiencing his power of passing gas last night lol. Thankfully he's stopped today since he pooped a bunch last night, but MAN, he was about to run us out of the house!

You are truely a Frenchie lover then, because if you still want him after that, then that is true love right there. It is something beyond stinky. :sick:

My friend had a Frenchie. They drool and slobber an aweful lot, pass gass, snore, get heatstroke, and like to try and swallow tennis balls, but they are cute.

I second Miss Wiggle's POTM nod.


We already had the pleasure of experiencing his power of passing gas last night lol. Thankfully he's stopped today since he pooped a bunch last night, but MAN, he was about to run us out of the house!

You are truely a Frenchie lover then, because if you still want him after that, then that is true love right there. It is something beyond stinky. :sick:


Lol... I spoke too soon. His farting has come back today. Not as bad as last night, but still very stinky! lol
He's so adorable, i'll just have to suffer through the stinky butt
does cid have a lithp? lol cid reminded me of ice age, hehe. +3 for a very cute POTM.
My friend had a Frenchie. They drool and slobber an aweful lot, pass gass, snore, get heatstroke, and like to try and swallow tennis balls, but they are cute.

I second Miss Wiggle's POTM nod.


We already had the pleasure of experiencing his power of passing gas last night lol. Thankfully he's stopped today since he pooped a bunch last night, but MAN, he was about to run us out of the house!

You are truely a Frenchie lover then, because if you still want him after that, then that is true love right there. It is something beyond stinky. :sick:


Lol... I spoke too soon. His farting has come back today. Not as bad as last night, but still very stinky! lol
He's so adorable, i'll just have to suffer through the stinky butt

My friend's nickname for her pet is, infact, Stinky Butt.
They drool and slobber an aweful lot, pass gass, snore, get heatstroke, and like to try and swallow tennis balls, but they are cute.

The snoring, oh god. Especially when they get older, it's soooo loud and non stop because all they do is sleep when they're older! My grandmother used to have a french bulldog and boy was staying over for the night hell. Not only did my grandparents snor incredibly loud, the dog was even worse. And if you did manage to get to sleep through all that there was the old grandfather clock right next to the spare bed that would wake you up every half an hour. *sigh*

I must say, because my grandmothers dog was the only french bulldog I've ever really known, I'll always hate the breed. She'd slober, stink constantly, snor pretty much non-stop and when she was awake she's scratch your legs untill they were bleeding because she wanted round the clock petting. No, not my type of dog.

Still though, like all puppies, yours is uber cute! And he did look a lot bigger in most pictures, but compared to the size of the grass & plant he's sniffing ... he's so small still
They drool and slobber an aweful lot, pass gass, snore, get heatstroke, and like to try and swallow tennis balls, but they are cute.

The snoring, oh god. Especially when they get older, it's soooo loud and non stop because all they do is sleep when they're older! My grandmother used to have a french bulldog and boy was staying over for the night hell. Not only did my grandparents snor incredibly loud, the dog was even worse. And if you did manage to get to sleep through all that there was the old grandfather clock right next to the spare bed that would wake you up every half an hour. *sigh*

That's why one of the most blessed inventions in the history of our world is the earplug. "Blessed art thou, O Earplugs, that covereth mine ears and alloweth me to dwell in slumber most sweet; whilst dogs and people snore and clocks tick, until the morning sun's rays me greet."

Excuse the really rotten poetry. I won't quit my day job anytime soon. :lol:

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