hi nice snake, you are not keeping him in that bowl are you?
because its a bit small and as i found out i have a royal python and he got out by breaking his lid on his tank his tank is 3 foot long with a metal pad locked lid, he broke the pad lock and went into the back of my mums sofa through a little hole he was in there for 3 weeks we put water and food out for him over night but he didnt even move out of the spot.
so then we decided to cut the sofa open and just slide him out my mum wasnt happy after breaking her fav sofa.
i have alot of animals including reptiles here they are

royal python, leopard gecko a king snake, 3 tortoises, 2 cats, 1 dog, 1 bird, 1 hamster, 4 fish tanks and a pond full of golfish