medley betta's? i don't believe this....

don't mean to bump old topics, but as i said before i didn't believe this, as it seemed to be a load of crap....well, the person that told my bf about these supposed "medley betta's" found one in her batch of new betta's at the store (found it by "testing" it by putting it against a color)...well, she gave it to my bf for free and he brought it home, and to see things furthere, we got some pink rocks and put them in a 1gal bowl and put him in there...not long after, his orange blue tipped tail turned pink :blink: at first i thought it was cuz i was looking straight down on him and maybe it was the pink rocks showing through his tail....but when he swam a little higher, i could look at him from the side where i wouldn't get any effects from the pink rocks....and his tail was actually PINK!

i think he needs further testing, cuz even though i see it, it's still hard to believe....but it's hard not to believe something you watch right in front of you!
this is pretty much impossible. an animal will not develop any camouflage that does not help it survive. For example, theres no point in an animal replicating the color of its surroundings if its main predator is color blind. what predators do captive betta have?
natural betta's don't have long tails either, and they never really needed it. we bred it to them and now they use it...

i thought it was impossible, but i seen it in front of my own eyes :S
Cant go with anything eh? i love it when people think bettas are the thoughest fish going around and they say "you cant put them with anything" tell you b/f to tell this moron this, chuck a Red Devil in the tank with the betta and then she will see a fish they cant go with anythihng really.
She didn't say they could go with anything..she said they could go with nothing lol.

I'd have to see it to truly believe it, but I'm not one to doubt someone's word just because I can't fathom something happening. (I mean, I have a fish turning white right before my eyes for no obvious reasons)

I like to go with the though process of...nothing, something, or anyone will most likely not ever ...always or never anything.

Meaning....Anything can be possible, given the right circumstances lol.

As for marbles changing over time...go check out the pictures and story Sorrell posted in my "fish turning white" thread...that's a pretty amazing color change in 3 days time imo, with documented pictures to boot.
the only fish i see change color in front of me are my cichlids right before there about tto fight, some get black lines running though there bodies others turn pale and there eyes go abit red.
Bettas do change colour to a certain extent depends in what mood they are in, sometime full of colour sometimes a bit wishy washy female when breeding get the bars and colour up.......... :) :D :p :p
thats the thing wasn't "mood" changes....he had an orange tail, until we put him with pink rocks....then his tail turned odd. it wasn't a process of a few days, it was over a couple minutes :hyper:

i still hardly believe it myself! my bf took it home yesterday, so maybe i'll go over his house tomorrow and we can perform some expiriements :shifty:
I think it's just the light. My red CT was a cherry red in her tank with black gravel, but when I moved her to a tank with pink gravel, she looked pink coloured.
it might just be an optical illusion...

orange over pick might seem pinkish, especially if the orange has a pink tint in it

try putting it over blue gravel and see if it changes to blue!!
My guess is that the betta should be a platinum color. It will reflex whatever surrounding light color. :p
any picture evidence?

i hardly believe it :/

i'll try to get pictures....IF tom can bring the fish back over my house....otherwise, no i can't get pictures :/

he isn't a platinum colorl. lol. he is pretty though. :p

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