I recently baught some black neon tetras that have gone and developed white spot. They are in a 4ft tank of roughly 145L with plants and sterbia catfish as well as a couple of bristle noses and a siamese fighter as well as around 7 cherry shrimp. So I was wanting to know if Science Products Broad Spectrum would be safe to treat the tank with and leave the cherry shrimp in or should hunt down the shrimp and put them in another tank that I have during the treatment? The active constituents are 24.2g/L Mafenide, 3.3g/L Aminacrine and 0.4g/L malachite green. It doesn't state to dose at half measure like most medications and I have used this before at full strength with tetras in the past. But I am worried it might not be safe with the shrimp. Can anyone please advise.