Medication With Shrimp


We are not born just so we can die
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Oct 1, 2010
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I recently baught some black neon tetras that have gone and developed white spot. They are in a 4ft tank of roughly 145L with plants and sterbia catfish as well as a couple of bristle noses and a siamese fighter as well as around 7 cherry shrimp. So I was wanting to know if Science Products Broad Spectrum would be safe to treat the tank with and leave the cherry shrimp in or should hunt down the shrimp and put them in another tank that I have during the treatment? The active constituents are 24.2g/L Mafenide, 3.3g/L Aminacrine and 0.4g/L malachite green. It doesn't state to dose at half measure like most medications and I have used this before at full strength with tetras in the past. But I am worried it might not be safe with the shrimp. Can anyone please advise.

It is now getting close to 24hrs since I added the medication, and no shrimp deaths in the tank so I am thinking (still hoping) that it means they are not going to die from the medication. In fact the shrimp are all out busy eating and doing their usual shrimpy things.

Oh boy, not good for shrimp. They cannot tolerate much when it comes to meds. The one thing that is safe to use is for getting rid of planaria (if you are ever unfortunate to get them) it's called NO PLANARIA and is made form Betel Nut extract and is safe for shrimp. Does the bottle say its' safe for invertebrates? I'm almost positive that Malachite green is harmful to shrimp, not to mention the other meds. Shrimp are soooo sensitive, you have to be really careful. Also, with using meds, it can take a few days before you see the harmful effects on the shrimp. Also, I wouldn't use that with catfish either as they have more of a skin rather than scales. I would quarantine the sick fish and treat them as you have to many inhabitants that don't do well with meds.

Good luck

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