Medication Question


New Member
Oct 2, 2006
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I live in the US, a friend lives in the UK. She has a betta that has contracted columnairis, (or felxbacter, I think it''s sometimes called.) In the states we use Maracyn to treat it but she hasn't been able to find it in the UK. Can anyone give her any ideas about an antibiotic that would work on gram-negative bacteria that she can find there? She's already lost two female bettas and she has one left already showing the mouth fungus and two guppies who are symptom free right now. All three are in a quarantine tank and being treated with a 100% water change and aquarium salt right now. She found something for regular fungus and started that as well, but I don't believe meds for regular fungus work on columnaris.

Any advice or help with meds would be greatly appreciated.

Myxazin and pimafix in the uk for columnaris, turn temp down by two degrees as well, and plenty of aeration as meds take 02 out of the water.
Good luck.

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