Meat and veg

Fish milk

New Member
Nov 6, 2004
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After hearing you can feed plec's on cucumber I put some in the tank and all my fish went wild for it, so I cut some little cubes for the other fish will this be ok for them? What other fruit, veg or meat can they have for treats and how often can they have them.

Glad to hear about the cucumber, my plecs and some of my cats have it once or twice the week as a treat. I have also heard of pees, sweetcorn etc being given to fish although I havent tried this.

Sometimes these fish seem to eat better than we do!!!!!! :rofl:

Yeah I liked the idea they were eating natural food but I have never seen fish in the supermarket buying any. All my animals eat better than we do they are all spoilt, and since cant have cuddles you need to give them nice food.
Try zuchini (courgettes), peas (remove the skin). I havent tried sweetcorn. My fish get a varied diet so its veggies for one meal then flakes for the next etc. I cycle between flakes, pellets, veggies, bloodworms, tubifex; with flakes being the most often. During summer they also get mosquito larvae, daphnia etc.

Yes, my fish seem to eat a lot better than us :lol:
if you are going to try meats then heart and liver are the go . ibecause they dont have any fat content.
if a fish eats fat it will crap the fat out and stink your tank out . :sick:

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