mean but nice fish...

c1tyfc said:
Would you call living in a box with a Grizzly more interesting? Or maybe VERY briefly stressful
I don't think he was considering adding a piranha to keep them on their toes :D
It's not neccesarily a good idea to casue stress in your fish, but adding something (like his angel) isn't bad either. There's a reason that schooling fish school so I don't think they would be horribly upset. It would probably even be a more natural environment for them.
Sorrell said:
There's a reason that schooling fish school so I don't think they would be horribly upset. It would probably even be a more natural environment for them.
thats exactly what i was thinking

i decided on a few angesl would do nicely anyways
I think I see what panboy is going for here, although it might not have been properly communicated. Reading between the lines, I think panboy wants to create a balance between the less active fish, and the more active fish. Panboy has less active fish, and wants to add some more active fish to balance it out. A similar, but somewhat oppostie thing was the case with my 1st tank. I originally had the 3 angels, and they were constantly fighting with one another. After I added some rainbows, the angels stopped fighting, became part of a very active community.

I'm appalled at those of you who called panboy "nothing short of sick" w/o knowing all the facts. On my screen, it says this is "The Friendliest Forum Around", but lately it doesn't seem like it! Get the facts before you lash out!

Sorry panboy but I don't have the answer for you, but I know what you're going for.
panboy said:
i have a very peaceful and active community,

my platies are horny little monkeys
my ottos never stop searching for algea
my rummynose tetras are always together weaving through the plants
my corys are always crazy and maybe sometimes a little psycho, lol
my angel was sick a couple days ago, doing better right now, , maybe back from the hospital tank into my main one in a week or so.

Looks to me like you have a pretty interesting tank already. Different types of interesting fish all with different personalities doing what they like to do best. Doesn't get much better than that.
If you really wanted something feisty and fun, not you don't already have that by the way it sounds, you could get a couple of leopard or zebra danios!! Mine are always playing and chasing each other!! Many people have told me that they're fin nippers but I've never had any experience with that. They are also really hardy. Mine lived for 2 WEEKS in a 5 gallon tank with contaminated (I didn't know) gravel!! All the other fish had died within days of purchase. (even though I cleaned the gravel several times, I ended up restarting my tank with new gravel) I think that you would enjoy them!!!

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