Meal Worms


Fish Crazy
Jun 13, 2010
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Has anyone ever fed these to their fish? was just curious if it'd be of any nutritional value
I've tried this for a tank and to the best of my knowledge, they are excellent food. It's high in protein and the fish absolutely love them. I would recommend gut-loading the mealworms with good food at least 12 hours before feeding.

For larger fish like Oscars, you could feed the mealworm whole. However, smaller fish will not be able to break down the mealworm's tough carapace. I used to cut it in half and dangle the fleshy bits in the water for the fish to feed on. That way, there would be minimal waste.

All the best and good luck!

Are there any risks in feeding live food? (e.g parasites, diseases?) and are they only nutritious if you feed them the veges and stuff for a while first?
Are there any risks in feeding live food? (e.g parasites, diseases?) and are they only nutritious if you feed them the veges and stuff for a while first?

only thing here is they are a bit high in fat. but if bought from a reputable source. they should be fine otherwise.
cool thank you to everyone ^.^. I was debating on whether I should throw these and some frozen blood worms into the mix every once in a while, but wanted to make sure it wouldn't do anything crazy

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