Me & My Partners 3 Ft Tank & Fish


Fish Fanatic
Jul 13, 2009
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MIlton Keynes
Me and my partner only got into tropical fish keeping in the last few months. I personally had never taken an interest before as most of my child hood i've had a phobia of large fish :crazy: very bizarre. we actually decided on buying our first tank after i stumbled across fish "free to a good home" on ebay, and the cogs started turning. we bought a small 1 foot by 1 foot by 15 inch fish tank to start with and had 6 tiger barb, a gold sucking (chinese) loach, a silver shark and 3 rosy barb to start.


We then bought a bigger 3 ft by 1 ft by 15inch tank and moved those fish into it and along the way added more.


We now have (after a few sad losses and replacements on the way):

5 tiger barb (previously 6)
3 rosy barb
3 mollies (i black sail fin, 2 silver mollies) (previously 5, lost two as we were sold them with whitespot, tank recovered though= ] )
2 silver sharks
1 gold sucking loach
1 brown loach
4 clown loach
1 pleco

on on the way home from work today i wil hopefully be buying some more mollies to restock.

were also moving house shortly and once settled we will be upgrading to hopefully a 4 or 5 foot tank to accomadate our gradually growing larger fish = ].

Here are a couple of pictures of the fish. I will add some more later = ]

Cheers for Looking




p.s these two were best buds till teh loach got a bit bigger and grew some.........attitude = ]

thank you very much = D

im really going to pull my own chain here, but i think we chose some really nice fish to go together and plants for a first (second) tank. ive seen some other first tanks that really arent pretty at all. i must admit we've had a few casualties so arent entirely faultless but its a great learning curve.

well im leaving work to go to the the fish store to hopefully buy some more babies = ]

and it's sucha shame you lost your arrowana. there what im looking at next = ]
oh dont worry lol i think by the time ive got enough money together to be able to buy one (or two) i'll have managed to do alot of reading up on them!
Lovely set up. I like the pale gravel it works well.
Hi Katlee and welcome.
Those Silver Sharks can get to the best part of a foot long, I'm afraid, and need to be in a shoal, which would need a VERY large tank due to their skittishness. Those four Clown Loaches will also need a larger tank sooner rather than later. Can you exchange them for something else?.
Hi Katlee and welcome.
Those Silver Sharks can get to the best part of a foot long, I'm afraid, and need to be in a shoal, which would need a VERY large tank due to their skittishness. Those four Clown Loaches will also need a larger tank sooner rather than later. Can you exchange them for something else?.
What he/she said.
Hi Katlee and welcome.
Those Silver Sharks can get to the best part of a foot long, I'm afraid, and need to be in a shoal, which would need a VERY large tank due to their skittishness. Those four Clown Loaches will also need a larger tank sooner rather than later. Can you exchange them for something else?.
What he/she said.

VinylMAN may be a bit of a clue. ;)
thanks for all your comments = ] the tank has changed alot since. the stocking list is now as it is in my signature. we lost the sharks unfortunately so tank size wont be an issue just yet. the clown loach are still only small, and im hoping to get a monster of a tank in the next year = ]] you can see the size of the loach compared to the tank in the pics. they look tiny still.

pics are here = ] these are the most recent from about 3 weeks ago = ]




I hope you all like the changes. It's a bit more natural looking now rather than minimalist lol

Katie x

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