Me angry. BAD BETTA


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Nov 15, 2004
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my blue vieltail just killed my black swordtail. He is now going into solitary confinement in my 1 gallon tank. I hope he can survive until february without a heater. I will use warm water.
Oh no. You shouldn't do that to the blue veiltail. As you know some betta will bite other fish. Beside that is their behavior. The blue veiltail didn't know what is killing. You should understand that and not left him in cool. Get a new small tank for him. :p
My veiltail killed one of my cories, but I am not punishing the VT for that. We know that their nature is a bit territorial so we should house them accorndingly. Individually or in large community tanks. I would have tohught though that the 55G tank would be enough so each fish could carve out his own niche. Bad luck I guess.

But a 1 gallon tank is fine, probided he does not need heating. Putting in a 1 gallon is okay. Putting him in a 1g and putting warm water that will eventualyl get cold, and replacing it with warm water will just stress and kill the fish.

The new water should be the same temp as the old water.
I even found shy quiet ottochinclus's (algae feeders) were bullied by mine so I don't put anybody in with him. He's happier by himself in his 5 gallon. Your Betta maybe the same way. Some just don't want ANYbody in their territory, period. Mine will even go after snails if they get too uppity for him. :rolleyes:
this one gallon is short term. It is only until my 10 gallon is ich free so he can have a nice big 10 gallon to himself.

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