Me and My Wolf!

That dog/wolf is beautiful.. I'll share my similar beauty..


Her mother is Great Dane/German Sheppherd and her father is a wolf/husky mix. She is so amazingly smart and loyal. Her greatest anxiety is when we go on a bike ride and too much distance between family members causes her to decide which ones she should stay closest to for protection.

I would reccomend a similar "breed" to absolutely anybody with a yard (as opposed to apartment dwelling). I've never seen it personally but one of my friends who attempted to come in my back yard let me know she is quite a fierce guard dog when we are away too.
I used to have a friend with a pure bred domesticated timber wolf. She was absolutely gorgeous and probably one of thee most obedient and intelligent pets I've ever encountered. He used to bring her over when he visited, and my cats both loved her. Akito (the wolf) would lie very patiently while Annie (my monkey of a cat) sat right on her head and gave her a bath! Your wolf-dog is beautiful, crimson. :)
Nice pic. I have a Germain shephard myself. When I was doing some research on germain shephards I found they were actually bred from the wolf. The original name for them use to be the germain wolfdog.
sorry it took so long for a reply- i was busy.
low content wolf dogs can make good guard dogs- but when you get into the higher percentage-or pure wolves- it can be very hard to find one that will protect personal property-or yourself.Wolves are timid creatures-and by nature will run from danger-unless cornered.Though there is nearly always an exception to the rule. :)
Thanks for all the compliments guys! Tez is my baby boy. :)

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