Me and My Wolf!


Fish Herder
Aug 22, 2003
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Swamp Monger Floridian in Tennessee
Here's Tez and I...please excuse me, I look cruddy LOL.
crimsontsavo said:
:blink: Tez is a TimberwolfxHuskiexGSD Cross. :)
I thought they banned crossing wolves with dogs? It's practically destroying the European Wolf and they've had to introduce all kinds of protection.

Nice dog/wolf anyway.
Huh, my doggie looks a lot like that....only his tail somehow was chopped off. He's part wolf too.
(quoting site) The "wolf-plague" in Scotland resulted in the extermination of the animal there. The last British wolf died in 1743.

Although the wolf is a protected species in most European countries, some hunters see no reason to stop killing wolves for sport, and will pay a great deal of money for the privilege.

No they have not banned crossing a wolf with a dog.
Some counties/states dont allow them without a license.
And the general practice is not harming the wolves in the wild.(we use domesticated wolves,not wild.) :lol:

Most times if a wolf dog is released into the wild, if in fact it came to be around a pack of wolves,they would kill it.
(and NO responsible pet owner would EVER release their pet into the wild.) ;)
I believe there have been a couple recorded cases of wd's being taken in with a pack of wolves, but not enough to harm the populations.(same with DOG dogs.)
People are destroying wolves.Were taking their land:p.Killing their prey.

IMPO, keeping wolves is a good practice indeed. :thumbs: (if one can do it properly)I plan to get my license soon, and I'll be housing quite a few wolves.
If we keep them alive and pure in captivity, then we insure the wild populations.
(thanks for the woofy compliments)
;) Until we post again, an avid wolfer,tsavo. :)

Just found this link, read it if ya will. :nod:

European Wolves
Gorgeous dog!!! And you don't look bad at all. I like your skirt. ~smile~
Thanks for the info about wolves! I used to live in Germany where there are still a few wild wolves, but we had dog-wolves around too that were a big problem. I don't know what was behind it, however - they could have been abandoned by their owners or anything. Possibly the European Wolf is quite different to timber wolves anyway. I've never heard of domesticated wolves!

Well, you live and learn.
:thumbs: No Problem :thumbs:

A domesticated wolf is as this.

To domesticate an animal you are turning it into something that is useful to humans.


cats= pets/companionship


Domesticated wolves are the "same" as cats and dogs.
We have had them around humans, we are using them as companion animals.
No you cant turn a wolf into a lap dog overnight.
We breed and have bred certain wolves for many years in captivity, they are not as "wild" as their kin`.
(keep in mind your yorkies ancestors were once wild)
Wolves and dogs have the same genetic make up. :).

Same with horses, they are domesticated, we ride them,play with them, work them,etc.
You take a wild horse,tame it,in turn you are domesticating it.

To bring an animal into your home and tame it, you have domesticated it.
It isnt all that complicated. :blink: until you ask me about it, then i go around my thumb to get to my elbow! LOL. :crazy:

(take for instance the elusive not too smart Homo.Manianeous, once caught and tagged it becomes, Homo.Husbandaineous, in short, Homo.Husband!they once roamed wild and free,then got married,now they have learned tricks such as putting the toilet seat down.And bringing home the paychecks!:). (domesticated). :D
crimsontsavo said:
(take for instance the elusive not too smart Homo.Manianeous, once caught and tagged it becomes, Homo.Husbandaineous, in short, Homo.Husband!they once roamed wild and free,then got married,now they have learned tricks such as putting the toilet seat down.And bringing home the paychecks!:). (domesticated). :D
Hahahahahahahahahaha that was too good & too TRUE :lol: :lol:

Very pretty dog, btw
If the genetic makeup is the same with the wolf and a dog, there shuuldnt be a are actually helping the owolf population by diversifying thier gene pool.

I think the real culprit is the destruction of habitat(it sounds too cliche, but thats the truth). They live in a complex ecosystem and we really dont know that much, but we are learning. I think more funds should be directed in saving a whole ecosystem rather than waste money on one single species IMO. By having animals breed in a controlled manner, we are actually harming the populace by limiting thier gene pool. I know most conservationist know about it, and try to diversify it though.

Just my 2 cents, and oh, beautiful wolf dog! I've always wanted a wolf or a wolf dog for that matter....hehehe

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