Me Again! Betta People Needed!


Fish Fanatic
Oct 17, 2005
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For my senior project, an 8 page research paper plus presenting (at least 10 minute) to a bunch of classes + parents plus i cant graduate without... I chose my topic to be the difficulties and problems of breeding betta fish.

Now, I know alot of them, I've done alot of research in the past

my problem is, now i cant remember because im trying to remember it all :lol: hate when that happens!

so im just making sure I'm getting everything, so could you guys perhaps list different problems youd have, expenses, etc? here are the catagories I have, I just need to get more specifics

-maintenance (tanks)
-maintenance (fish)
-breeding itself
-raising fry
-selling fry (aka: what to do with them after, what if you have too many, etc)

So if you have specifics, itd be very handy if you could just give me a couple from each catagory? No need to spend an hour on it, im sure if everyone just puts a couple answers ill get most things :)

(i'm basing most times/prices on a pretty basic breeding setup, pretty much like what i have. a 55 gallon, a 10 gallon breeding tank, and a 29 gallon (not to mention smaller containers for temporary homes), so if you wanna go into specifics about something, keep that in mind.)

thanks a bunch you guys! I'm also doing some too, dont worry, i have ALOT of tank maintenance done (im pretty sure ive covered most things) and I am currently working on the "disease" section.

thanks again!! :wub:
k, so far I think i have tank maintenance done... i feel like im forgetting something though. so here that is...

• Water testing
• Water maintenance
• Siphoning
• Replacement of Carbon Filter
• Clean glass
• Live plant fertilizer

:S its amazing how second nature alot of things are, im having so much trouble actually thinking about what i do daily, weekly, etc!

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