Mbuna breeders, stockest or shops??

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New Member
Nov 22, 2020
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Hi everyone I'm new to the forum, well kinda... I was a member a few years ago and decided to come back and join the community.

Anyway my questions is an easy one.
I'm looking for Mbuna stockest, breeders or shops that specialise or sells a good variety of healthy mbuna species in or around Leicester, Derby or Nottingham. Travelling is not a problem just want to avoid 2/3 hour drives

All my local and even not so local LFS's don't stock that much in the way of variety around here when it comes to African Cichlids.
My plan B is mail order but I want to avoid that route at all costs if I can.

Any recommendations would be fantastic.
Thanks in advance
Hi and welcome back :)

Maybe Google for cichlid societies in your area. Or ask the pet shops if they know of any cichlid societies. You can also ask the shops to order fish in for you.
Hi and welcome back :)

Maybe Google for cichlid societies in your area. Or ask the pet shops if they know of any cichlid societies. You can also ask the shops to order fish in for you.
Thanks for the reply and warm welcome back
I've googled cichlid societies in my area and not much is coming back unfortunately. And yes my local Maidenhead Aquatics have said they can order in specific species for me but they come in from over seas which says to me that not only will it probably take weeks or months for them to arrive, but they are going to be mega stressed as well. This is why I'm trying to avoid mail order for this same reason. Was kinda hoping someone had a nice suggestion of a shop that specialises in them, or maybe someone who breeds them from home. Guess the search continues

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