Mayday! Help, Please


Fish Fanatic
May 31, 2005
Reaction score
Savannah, Georgia
Hello, I know it's been a long time. I currently have a fish emergency! I noticed my female crowntail, Bindi, was laying upside down and twitching under one of her silk plants at the bottom of her tank. I rushed her to fresh (treated of course) water with some stress coat and aquarium salt. Her gills are still drawing steadily but her color is waning. I've been helping her to the surface (not far to go) to get air, but she seems unable to move except an occasional twitch. I had just fed her, could she be choking on a pellet? Paralysis? Plain old imminent death? I've considered putting her in ice water to put her out of her misery, but I don't want to give up without first consulting the board. There is no sign of ailment, she had been eating regularly and she just had her water changed a couple days ago. Please, if anyone can help please respond quickly! Any advice would be great...
Unfortunately, that info isn't quite enough to go by for me to help you out significantly.

I'd make sure herwater was very warm (at least 82F), and perhaps cover the tank with a dark cloth to reduce stress, as well.

I doubt she's paralyzed or choking to death. It sounds a lot like shock, she might be too weak to move.

Some questions to answer so that others might help you better:

What volume of water is she in?
What temperature is the water?

What volume of water was she in?
What were the stats of this water?
What was your water changing schedule?
What did you feed her? What quantity?

How long has she been like this?
Did she have tankmates? Are they acting strangely?

Details generally aide in generating more responses in situations like these.

I hope she gets better soon for you.

Also, try and think of any sudden changes in her environment that might have occured.
Thank you so much for responding. She's still alive and seeming to get a little coordination back. It almost seems like a nueral problem... She can right herself for a moment, start swimming and then seizure and then go still again.
Okay! Covered her bowl and warmed up her water temperature.
Right now I have her in about an inch of water because I am concerned about her being able to get air. I just checked on her and she was at the surface all by herself. I'm warming her water, but it was at about 75F.

Prior to this she was in a gallon of water at 75F. I'm rather anal about my fish and change their water avidly, usually between once every four to seven days. As far as stats go I don't have testing equipment, but I'm always careful about treating water with startright, stresscoat and a bit of salt. She has no tankmates, but I changed all my fish at the same time with the same water and all five others are fat and sassy. I feed her three Hikari Betta Bio-gold pellets twice a day, subsituting a meal for bloodworms twice a week. I can't think of any changes that could have occured... She's been in the same tank in the same spot for months without disturbance. I did notice that the last couple days she's been acting a little out of sorts. She's never been a jumper, but I did hear her jump a couple times over the past week. She's been a little lethargic too, chilling at either the top or bottom of her tank with little of her usual fanfare.
Well, she's seeming to improve a little. Thanks for your well wishes, let's keep our fingers crossed. :*)

Unfortunately, that info isn't quite enough to go by for me to help you out significantly.

I'd make sure herwater was very warm (at least 82F), and perhaps cover the tank with a dark cloth to reduce stress, as well.

I doubt she's paralyzed or choking to death. It sounds a lot like shock, she might be too weak to move.

Some questions to answer so that others might help you better:

What volume of water is she in?
What temperature is the water?

What volume of water was she in?
What were the stats of this water?
What was your water changing schedule?
What did you feed her? What quantity?

How long has she been like this?
Did she have tankmates? Are they acting strangely?

Details generally aide in generating more responses in situations like these.

I hope she gets better soon for you.

Also, try and think of any sudden changes in her environment that might have occured.
:-( Sadly Bindhi didn't make the night. I don't know if it's unusual or not but after she died her spine curled up on itself... I still think it was some sort of nerve-system issue, not that it matters now :X R.I.P Bindums, I loved you soooooooooo
Ah, that's sad. :/ I'm sorry for your loss. It's so easy to get attached to these little guys...

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