Maybe The Dumbest ? Of All


New Member
Aug 14, 2006
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Manchester UK
ok here goes :blush:
ok my live rock has been in tank now cycling away for 5 days ok not long
salt in middle of green line on glass hydro
temp 28 c
well how long is it before you actually see life on live rock? told ya it was dumb lol :crazy:
ok got some green algea no idea what it is been looking for id not found it yet its not very big kinda emerald colour feather like
also what look like roots brown in colour like the end of a bulb you plant in garden ok this is life also but :unsure:
anyways should i be seeing copods etc by now? i know marine its patience and time but was just curious as to what and when might happen ?
the rock is ultra fiji from SMT i would feel such an idiot phoning them and asking lol
also the live sand i think mines dead lol oh well
iam not an idiot but i had to ask or it would have drove me nuts ty in advance
Actually, from the sounds of it your rock is allready cycled... You MIGHT see copepods or you might not. Keep in mind they are EXTREMELY small (less than 1mm) and as a rule of thumb dont like the light. Prolly your best shot is to look at the tank a couple hours after lights out with a blue or red flashlight. As for other life, well you may see it you may not again :). You should be seeing some calcerous green and purple algaes on there and probably seeing some diatoms (brown hairy algae) forming soon. You might even be nearing cleanup crew time :). Any way you can post a pic?
uuum first off, you will never see the sand being alive, since the bacteria is Microscopic, and it is at the bottom of the sand bed, that is where all of the ammonia and stuff gets cycled, thats the symplest way i canput it woithout describing an entire cycle, but someimes you will see an occasional bristleowrm, if you have any, or some different types of small shrimp, but it might be a few more weeks before alot of life is spotted,,, as for the green hairy like stuff, thats green hair algae, most try and get rid of it because almost no fish eat it, and it grows fast and causes problems, but i leave it alone, you could do the same or worry abotu getting rid of it, some algae blennies eat it, but myne doesnt touch it lol, good luck sounds like a clean up crew indeed
thanks skifletch and especially for not laughing at me lol iam hoping my tests are as is for the next few days iam so looking forward to my clean up crew
well here is a pic of the green algae sorry not great but really small

my rock has fantastic colours as you can see from pic

ill keep looking at my rock
thanks all for info and help nice to have that confidence in background
definitely green hair algae. I'd try and pull it off and siphon it away when you do water changes. You'll never get all of it, but at least you can keep it trimmed. Ultimately when your tank gets very very mature you'll see the hair algae start to slow down as corals and other calcerous algaes out-compete it for nutrients. Thats months down the road though. If you want to spot copepds try looking for white specs moving on your glass...
thanks again
ill keep it in check better now than when its to much
ill keep my eyes peeled for the little critters ty ty again thanks for looking
Nice looking setup you have there and the colour of that rock is too die for :hyper:

Your levels seem good but i'd consider dropping your temp down to something closer to 25 although 26 should be fine :good: Your tank though but i think 28 is a lil high

It took a few months for me to see the kind of life everyone else was describing on their rock and now there seems like too much for the size of the tank :crazy: just give it time i've heard nothing but good things about STM's rock and that color might just tempt me to get my extra rock when needed :thumbs:
Nice looking setup you have there and the colour of that rock is too die for :hyper:

Your levels seem good but i'd consider dropping your temp down to something closer to 25 although 26 should be fine :good: Your tank though but i think 28 is a lil high

It took a few months for me to see the kind of life everyone else was describing on their rock and now there seems like too much for the size of the tank :crazy: just give it time i've heard nothing but good things about STM's rock and that color might just tempt me to get my extra rock when needed :thumbs:

oooooooooo dont get e wrong iam more than pleased with my rock wonderful colour shapes etc and the service i received from seller was excellent
i was just curious thats all
gonna do more water tests today and ill reduce the temp
thanks all for your input its much appreciated

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