Maxi-jet 900 Ph Powerhead 230gph


Fish Crazy
Nov 30, 2005
Reaction score
houston TX
my old powerheads are marineland 550 ... there like ancient my sister had these years before she gave them 2 me. honestly there like 9 years old. and well there acting up..... i guess theyve been worth every penny....

the reason i want to switch powrehead brands it the penguin only has one suction cup and constantly slides down the glass.( gets irritating moving it back every day).

i was looking for one w/ more cups. i came across this Maxi-Jet 900 PH Powerhead 230gph its got like 3.

is this a good brand? or does some one know of something better??

im open to different brand.

my tank is a 30 gal. but am planning to upgrade to like a 70 or 100 gal. here within a year.
Well, I can't comment on the 900s, but I've used maxi 1200s for different applications for years now. Great quality pumps for the price. They dont offer much in the way of fancy wave action, but great at just moving water :). One of the two 1200s in my tank right now is 6 years old ;)
Maxijets are great pumps considering the price and the energy used. I would recommend 900s over 1200s as the flow rate increase isn't as good as the power consumption increase. In other words the 900 is more efficient than the 1200. For any tank smaller than 4ft long I'd recomend MJ. 4 ft. or longer I'd recommend seios or tunze depending what you want to spend.
CRAZYELECE you beat me to the punch

yeah the 1200 has 65 gal more movement an hour but in the spects it uses over twice the electricity than the 900.

8.5 watts compared to 20 watts.
anybody know how many watts the Penguin 1140 Powerhead uses?

or better yet where i can find thes specs. can seem to find any more info other that it rated at 300 gph.
Cant seem to find any data for you, but typically a powerhead is a powerhead and TRUE 300gph is usually around 20 watts for a centrifugal type pump that we use. Cant give a more accurate measure than that though, sry...
yer its a good question actually, the seios ones wld it be too powerful for a 4 foot? any1 used any they good for like creating a nice current but not too powerful?
yer its a good question actually, the seios ones wld it be too powerful for a 4 foot? any1 used any they good for like creating a nice current but not too powerful?

I used then on my old 4' & were perfect

& have seen some Rio 180 (45g) tank using them on UR :good:
I have 2 seio 820s and 2 seio 1100s on my 4ft 120. I can tell you they make a wonderful turbulent flow. When I originally put them in an turned them on all kinds of crap lifted up off the sand bed and live rock.
awsome def getting some of those then, but which ones for 4 foot 55 gallon? i was thinking of doing a timed current with timers.
So one on for 5 mins then changes between the 2 or 3 all day until the lights go off when one just stays on al night till the lights come back on again or prehaps 2 hours before lights go on.
just got 2 maxi jet 900 and i must say i love them.. much better than the 2 old marineland 550's.
If you want to run them on timers use maxijets, seios don't work well in that manner and burn up fairly quick when used like that. For a 55 I would use two 620s as they are slightly smaller and easier to hide in the tank.
yeah really electrical componets that operate on magnetic induction will last longer if not switched alot. the switching on a coil creates an "inrush" current when switched several times its normal running current :-( . So for short over heats for a split second every time you turn it on. ) -_-

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