Mature Media Filter?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 17, 2007
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I bought soem from epts at home they r like tablets and the person said to put them in the filter... And after 2 days you can starta dding fish

Not sure how this works anyone got advice?

Thanks :D
Bad, doubt they'll work/make a difference TBH.
The only cycling products that receive good reviews are the refrigerated ones ie; bio-spira/bacinettes....
Yeah, but like i say don't expect it to actually do anything to help the tank....
I wouldnt use any of these sort of products, theres little evidence for them doing much for a tank and these tablets whats the base composition of the tablets? is it going to effect your water chemistry? Is it going to leave stuff in the tank?

Theres far too many wonder products out there that claim to solve problems without giving much details of how they work and side effects, patience is a virtue, in fish keeping its nearly a requirement.
Yeah, but like i say don't expect it to actually do anything to help the tank....

Would this be part of a fishless or fishy cycle?
By putting it in
Would I have to itnroduce the fish slwoly or altogther?

Pets at home said if i take in a smaple of water after 3 days they will test it for me
putting a tablet in and hoping to fully stock immedeatly is asking for disaster, virtually guaranteeing it.

I dont know what pets at home are hoping to test for after 3 days if you havent got anything in the tank there will be no nitrates beyond whats in the tap water already and there shouldnt be any ammonia in there until you start introducing fish.

They could test for chlorine and ph etc, but I dont believe testing the water will do you any good until you add fish or start trying a fishless cycle (apart from as a reference so you know the base values of your tap water)
Whats this API Stress zyme like? Ive heard ddthis stuff is the best
Whats this API Stress zyme like? Ive heard ddthis stuff is the best
It isn't.

It almost certainly contains the wrong bacteria for aquatic nitrite oxidisation (Nitrobacter rather than Nitrospira) and if it isn't refrigerated then surely the bacteria will consume any food supply in the bottle and then starve (not to mention utilise any available oxygen).

The best is Bio-spira. It contains the correct bacteria and should be kept refrigerated and sold as such. If you see any out of the fridge then ignore it.

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