Oh, and can i put dividers in my fish tanks so i do'n thave to put the female in a cup(osunds harsh). It's not my fault hte guppies die, i have NO expierence in fish and i got the fish cuz they were free wiht a fishbowl.
If you have so much money, why not send your butler down to Petsmart to buy you a nice 10 gallon for your female?
meh. Honestly, money is the smallest obstacle in breeding Bettas. What is even more important than money is TIME and EXPERIENCE! Do you have the time to spend 3 hours a day cleaning your fry tank for the next 90 days? And thereafter, cleaning 200 jars twice a week? You being a student, I highly doubt you do. Think about going to school 8 hours a day, doing your homework, doing what you want to do, and then reserving 3 hours EVERY day to tend to your fry. They need to be fed 4 times a day for the first month... who will feed them when you're at school?
I suggest you seperate your Bettas. Please do! With Betta breeding, it's an absolute necessity to look before you leap. You say you want more Bettas, why not go to your local aquarium store and buy a couple more? A healthy Betta spawn produces 100-500 fry. I had 350! Where will you place all of your Bettas? Will you send them off to die of fin-rot in tiny cups at your local pet store? I'm sooo glad you have money, because you will be putting fourth $100's into this spawn and (assuming your parents are Veiltail's) you will not be getting much of that money back!
My biggest question is WHY are you breeding Bettas? You're obviously new to Bettas, do you even know anything about them? Have you educated yourself about the growth, lifespan, color patterns, tail types, preferences, and detailed upkeep of an adult Betta? Have you read every piece of knowledge you can get about spawning? I suggest you go to
/www.bettatalk.com, read everything about spawning Bettas, and then decide if you're ready. You are not just throwing 2 fish together, you're bringing lives into this world. Don't spawn unless you have a goal to better the species.