Massive fish delivery at LFS!!!


Fish Crazy
Dec 2, 2004
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My LFS, is a good reliable store with low prices and quality fish. Before Christmas or should i say directly afterwards it was almost empty with regards fish and plants, marine, brackish, tropical and coldwater.

I went today, the tropical tanks were looking great, the plant displays were full, and the others all looked really great.

Just some of the fish they'd got in were;

Red parrot fish
Pike cichlids
Marbled hatchetfish
Flying Fox
Paradise fish
Starlight ancistrus
Golden ancistrus
Hypo oscars
Polka dot catfish
Shark catfish
A variety of synodontis...

It was just amazin lol. Sorry if this sounds a bit strange but they dont normally have such a massive delivery creating a huge variety of stock.

Yeah I like being at the store when they first get their new shipments in, since you are like one of the first to see the fish avaliable.
Yeah, its great cos the tanks look so good and it gets u all excited cos u can the go home and do all the research lol figure out if theres anything you can have and then get some new fish!

Just like now, after doing some research im gonna buy a starlight ancistrus and an albino ancistrus.
Or if I see some "rarer" fish I just take it and run the risk, because I don't want to wait a day for the warenty to go in effect just in case somebody beat me to the fish :D
I always like to go in and check out new arrivals, but I very rarely buy anything on the first day that my LFS gets it in. If I am sure it is something I want (something I've got on my wish list, or a rare fish you think somebody else may grab up), I just ask them to put it on hold for me. There can be several reasons for doing want to stress the fish as little as possible, and they have just gone through one acclimation (it's also a good idea to make sure the fish are eating well before you take them home) you time to make any necessary tank adjustments at home for your new purchase (not the time to be setting up a new tank, though) the fish a few days to settle in during which time any disease they may be harboring may become apparent.
I love going on shipment days.. that's usually Tuesdays here. A friend of mine works at the LFS, so he lets me know when the good stuff comes in. :) My fave LFS is a Petland actually, but they have about 40% of the store dedicated to the fish. [Spacewise.. But there's 10 walls of fish that are three tanks high and 5-6 long at least]
They've usually got a really great variety, but when they get in some especially gorgeous examples, I just stand there and stare for hours. :)
I totally understand your excitement.. Probably higher than me going in and finding the neons I wanted to buy were on for $0.99!
The LFS employees say I need to get a life! lol I'm there so often, always drooling over the bettas, that they've nicknamed me the Betta Girl. Well, those that don't know me by name, which aren't that many lol
I used to go every shipment day last semester, but now it's harder because of my class schedule. Now it's the day after shipment day. :D
I looove shipment day. I always go to Walmart on shipment day to check out their bettas, and I try to make it to my LPS on shipment day, but that doesn't always happen. My LFS doesn't have a set shipment day, but I usually go there at least once a week, so sometimes I get lucky (like when I got there right after she had put new fish into the tanks, and snagged the only bichir she has had in years ;) )
i cant go on shipment day. My LFs quarantines the fish for a week. I love going in and seeing the tanks full. I also mostly never see the same thing twice unless they are real popular.
A hypo oscar, im not 100% sure but the ones at the lfs were a pinkyish colour, not albino, il try n found out a bit more info...

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