Massive Ammonia Spike


Fish Fanatic
May 3, 2009
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just done a big water change on my 4ft tankdone a water test a few hours after and noticed my ammonia level is now through the roof 4mg/l according to my test kit. dont fancy doing another big waterchange is there anything else i can do to protect my fish
ammonia removal in the filter? im not sure on other peoples advice on that
Check test kit against other water sources to see if odd results come up, including the tap water?

Even Seachem Prime at 5x standard dose cannot temporarily soak up 4mg/l, if memory serves me right.
no ammonia removal media in filter. sadly lfs is shut now so in morning ill do another 50% change and retest tomorrow after noon just hope everything survives the night. will do tap water test now.
tap water has rather high ammonia acording to my test coming back at around 3mg/l
Hmm, that does not sound good!

Have you got any other water in the house, such as a bit of bottled water you can compare this against?
nope going to have to try and wait this out :( will do a test at my mums later and hopefully bring back several gallons of clean dechlorinated tap water
do you have any rain water? you could test ?
no i hadnt thought of that though. i have got 4 25l water drums though so when i go to my mums later will test and bring water home
mums water is testing 0mg/l in morning will do 50% then another 50% to bring levels down
all sorted got it down to virtually unmeasureable on test another 50%change is on the cards though

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