Massive 8/9 Inch Clown Loach For Sale


New Member
Sep 10, 2007
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HEY everyone,
I have a xlarge clown loach in my tank, have had him since he was tiny. He is too big for my tank really, and i think its best if he moves on. He has outlived some other loaches and has a friend from another batch i bought him for company. He's not a nasty guy but hasn't helped my plants so am going to sell him and set up a new style of aquarium.

So for £100 you get 1 x massive loach ( gotta be 9 inch!)
and 1 x 5 inch friend of the massive loach.

I am based in Surbiton Surrey, near kingston, but i'm right on the A3 at hook!

if ya need a photo i can email one?
why don't you put a pic up anyway, as i for for one haven't seen a monster clown loach
why don't you put a pic up anyway, as i for for one haven't seen a monster clown loach
to be honest large clowns look like smaller clowns, nothing different about them but size.

have you thought of putting it on ebay, OP?
why don't you put a pic up anyway, as i for for one haven't seen a monster clown loach

Then you havn't seen 'Marge'. Won't allow me to post a picture due to it being hosted on another site, but just type in 'Marge clown loach' into google images (or go to clown loach profile on and you'll see a monster clown loach.
why don't you put a pic up anyway, as i for for one haven't seen a monster clown loach

Then you havn't seen 'Marge'. Won't allow me to post a picture due to it being hosted on another site, but just type in 'Marge clown loach' into google images (or go to clown loach profile on and you'll see a monster clown loach.

wow Marge is amazing

was your tank featured in Practical fishkeeping a yr or two ago? If so that influenced me to want to set a clownloach only tank up :good:
my local fish shop suggested the price, I have treasured him for years and want him to go to a good home/tank!
i understand that it takes year for them to grow but in my lfs they are 20 pound and 5 to 6 inches long. so i do agree 100 is very expensive
im not saying anything wrong with the price but i just sold my 8" clown for £25 as i was more intersted in going to a good home rather than make money...good luck
put it on ebay, clowns at that size EASILY get £100

DONT take anything less for him

Good luck with the sale!
OK, that's enough. If you intend to buy this members fish, you are welcome to make an offer, but I will consider any other derogatory comments on this thread to be harassment. :grr:
Like i said before the price was suggested to me by my LFS, plus if i just sold it to anyone for £25 how much are they really gonna care about him. if they paid £100 they're actually gonna give a #### about him innit!

Yeah stop harassing me, jeez!!

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