Marine Water Test Strips


Fish Crazy
Aug 3, 2003
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I was just wondering what you guys thought about 5 in 1 marine test strips? Do they work well?
I've got the liquid kit, but its quite annoying to mix 3 different solutions etc wait 10 mins blah blah just to get a result a day.
I'm with you! it gets very old after a while.All I use is the liquid kits aswell.My lfs says that the strips are more accurate and that is all they use so... they can't be to bad.
if you want to save time and have a load of cash on hand, use pin-point digital moniters...
I've got a ph one :p

But tis a shame they havent made one that does it all in one go (well to my limited knowledge anyway).
There isnt any mini little computer thingys that test displays all results is there?

ANd returning back to the topic. Has anyone actually used the test strips?
I've got a ph one :p

But tis a shame they havent made one that does it all in one go (well to my limited knowledge anyway).
There isnt any mini little computer thingys that test displays all results is there?

ANd returning back to the topic. Has anyone actually used the test strips?

I've got a ph one too - never use it any more. Total waste of time - has to be calibrated every time you take it out the box, need to keep renewing calibration fluids etc etc.

I use the strips on a malawi tank but only as a rough guide, refer to 'proper' test kits as well - good enough for that, but I don't use them on SW.
I've got a ph one too - never use it any more. Total waste of time - has to be calibrated every time you take it out the box, need to keep renewing calibration fluids etc etc.

Amen, I HATE pH probes. I've worked with many high-tech industry or science level ones and even those are unreliable and need constant calibration. Screw that.

To the OP, strips are usually not the most accurate things in the world, but they're decent for telling you when something's wrong. It depends on how accurate and nitpicky you want to get. If you really want to go high-tech on your reef and grow sensitive corals, strips won't cut it, but if you just want to try and keep some basic things healthy, go ahead and use the strips.

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