Marine Totm

TallTree01 said:
We can just make our own if he disagrees
 You crack me up

Suggestion, why not run a poll on it in the General Section so that all can comment?  I do not have a Marine tank but would love to see more of them and the competitions may bring more photos, and we all love
Well how about psyching up more marine keepers to post more photos in the general comps and then we might 'suddenly realise' there is a need for a new section ;)
MBOU said:
Well how about psyching up more marine keepers to post more photos in the general comps and then we might 'suddenly realise' there is a need for a new section
Because most marine keepers are put off when your the only marine tank VS 12 other planted tanks. I call that unfair.
Marine keeps have the advantage of being 'interesting and unusual'
especially seeing as so many FW keepers aspire to keep marine tanks, it could be the chance marine keepers need to convert people with photos of their fantastic marine tanks!
I have entered marine shrimp into the FOTM competition before! I don't have a marine tank atm or I would enter photos!!
Its not to say it couldn't become its own section, just need to make sure there are going to be at least 6-7 members entering new photos every month. At the moment that isn't so likely, start converting people to marine by sneakily adding marine photos into FOTM and TOTM competitions, you might get those numbers :p
IMO I think it's the marine fish not the tanks. Sure with marine you get coral and all that waffle but you can't really achieve the same
amount of:
" holy cow! That's a lot of green!."
Effect that you can with freshwater.
This I definitely agree with. A lot of the tanks on TOTM compete for overall effect incredibly well against a lot of the reefs we see.
I love the reef tanks, I want one, but some of the amazing nature tanks are simply breathtaking.
I can also see the advantage of the sharing of pictures and ideas about rock scapes, coral choices, lighting layouts etc, etc.
My biggest concern is keeping it active enough, as reef tanks tend to be changed a lot more slowly. I can rip down a freshwater and rescape it and enter it every few weeks, not really so with a reef.
Reef keepers and marine fish keepers can enter their tanks and fish in the contests now so the questions I have are...are they? If they aren't why not? If they are how often do they win?
TallTree01 said:
Everyone except mods ( who would have to work for hours to get it up and running ) would be all for it.
Not necessarily :p

I would like to see it remain as one TOTM competition for the whole board, instead of risking diluting the quality of entrants.

I don't see any reason why a marine tank cannot compete alongside a FW tank. I'd say if anything it had an advantage for the colour offered by marine and the 'wow' factor that is almost a given in any good marine tank.

As has been pointed out already, if there's currently hardly any or even no marine entries, how is that going to convince that there's a need for a separate category?
I tend to agree with Jen on this one. If we had tons of entries already then I would say it's needed but we don't.
Thing is, this is predominantly a freshwater forum. There are fish fora available which are predominantly marine, with a small freshwater section, ie the opposite of what this is. I honestly don't see the point of instigating seperate competitions. Sorry.
I sadly don't agree with Jen as I said before. Marine and FW are completely different and should be treated in this respect!
Well now you have a project Techen, get more marine keepers entering competitions... and it might be worthwhile, if not... it would seem other marine keepers don't feel the same?
Here are the entries from my tank for Marine FOTM...

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