Marine tank

My brother is going to try and breed them. :crazy: He's mad though! :fun:
DG if you wanna get into SW with a small tank, check out or has a nano reef section. This is actually my next project. A 10 gal nano reef with a false pec clown and yellow watchman goby. Gonna keep all sorts of corals and polyps in it. I can't wait!!!!!!!! The most expensive part is the lighting. I also need to build myself a refugium but it should be fun. If you wanna take this up, my advice is READ READ READ. I mean more than for FW. There are so many other variables in SW. Msg me if you have any questions, i have been reading nonstop on this for a month or more.
Hi m8,

I've done a bit of reading and realised its not as easy as i thought. At the moment i dont think i have the time to do porper mainanence so it will be a while yet. But then i do do it, i'm gonna go for it - 5 - 6 ft jobby :D


DG. I think a great thing to do would to serch out a reef club in your area and become friends with them. Pick their brains, and check out their systems. Reefers love to show off to each other. Normal people just don't understand the follies of reefkeeping. Then when you get ready to start, you may get some "donations " from your new friends.
Good idea m8. I'm sure people with have bits and bobs they might give away or sell dirt cheap.
I don't think its as hard as you make it out to be. The nanos only need a 1 or so gal WC a week. I have kept saltwater fish in my 55 gal before. I had a porcupine puffer, 3 damsels, yellow cubicus, and lion fish. They all did great, and i used crappy whisper filters with sponges in them. The hardest part was mixing the salt in the water and getting it perfect. You really must use RO/DI water for a reef though. You gonna do fish only or a reef?
I made myself a friend the the fish shop. He's explained and physically shown me what id need to do.

Basically i wanna fill up as much live rock as i can. I'm not gonna touch live corals. With enought live rock, a single filter should be + a couple of power heads for excellent water flow. Protein skimmer and uv sretilizer + RO machine

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