Marine Tank Lighting, Sufficient?


Fish Geek
May 8, 2006
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Hi, I'm coming from a tropical background - am new to marine but have spent a good while researching...

I'm getting the setup delivered tomorrow, the tank is a RIO 180 which has an arcadia ibar conversion giving off 2 x 39w of T5 @ 41cm depth, not sure what range the T5s are, apparently they are very good

The setup has 20kg of cured live rock and once all parameters are stable I want to get some corals, what will the ligthing limit me to?
A 2xT5 setup usually limits you to softies. Leathers, zooanthids, mushrooms, sinularia, kenya tree, star polyps, xenia. You might be able to get away with a Euphyllia genus coral (torch, frogspawn, hammer, galaxea) if you put it up near the top of your rock stack.
Hi, thanks for the reply. So no anemones then?

I have dual T5 powercompact 110w which I can strip out of my hightec tropical, would this then give me enough? 188w over 41cm depth (probably less than half of that cus of the rock)
Dual PC's plus Dual T5's? Might work for a lower-light anemone like a Seabae, BTA, or LTA. Remember though, there are way more things to consider when purchasing a nem than just lighting. Flowrate, feeding, chemistry, aggression, and suitable tankmates all need to be considered. Keeping an anemone is NOT easy, and often only very advanced or expert aquarists even tempt them. If you do really want to keep one, I STRONGLY suggest you read the anemone guide sticky in the inverts section.
Skifletch, Hi

Only just saw your reply! Luckily (or not depends on how you see it) I got the Juwel High-Lite bar instead of the Arcadia I-Bar, this is good as it gives 2 x 45w instead of 2 x 39w

I will be transfering in the 2 x 55w T5's so will have 200w of T5 in total. The 45's have one 15k and one 10k tube, what would you recommend to put in the 2 55w PC's?

Point taken on anenomes, will start with something easier, I do like the torch coral! With 200w of T5, keeping corals such as the torch should not be a problem right?

A torch will be fine with that lighting :good:. I'd suggest for the PCs 50/50 bulbs (10k and actinic) for each of them. Easier to replace :)
I've looked everywhere and can only find the 50/50 dual PC lamps which are actinic and 6500k daylight plus, will 6500k be OK?

A 6500k would encourage green algae growth a lot, and look pretty yellow TBH. You're sure you can't find dual 10000k and actinic? Its like the most common bulb :unsure:

The Interpet Blue is a 6500k & Actinic 50/50

The ASL Daylight Actinic is white 7100k and blue 12000k

Have not been able to find Arcadia 55w PCs lamps

Can anyone help please?
just to somewhat encourage you one anemone, not saying anyones wrong but i might be a lucky one, i have what skifletch told me was medium/moderate lighting and i have a bubble top anemone, hes been in the tank close if not longer than two months now and hes doing amazing, last night i measured his body and it was 6 inches, and the head of it is huge about the size of a average sized mans palm. i dont hand feed it ever, my domino damsel has taken to it and interacts with it like a clown fish would. i'll try and get a picture for all you. the only thing i found with it, is that it likes to be under a ridge where the light isnt bright.
Hi mate, thanks for the encouragement! Would love to see a pic.... What tank size and lighting do you have?
tank size i have is a 65 us gallon tank about 2 and a 1/2 foot deep tank, and the lighting i have well this is right off the website where i got it *****"The state of the art Lunar Aqualight is a compact light fixture with a Blue-Moon-Glow LED light which creates rhythmic glitter and shimmering effects while promoting spawning cycles in corals and other reef life. These fixtures allow you to recreate the effects that both the sun and moon have on sealife. Includes: 96 watt 10,000K Daylight bulb, 96 watt True Actinic 03 Blue bulb and two 3/4 watt Lunar Blue-Moon-Glow LED lamps. Dimensions are 36" x 7" x 2.5"."*****
pics to follow

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