What "extras"are you referring to? Like the lighting for corals? If so then yeah, you could wait until you have it well cycled and have a few fish even and have some extra money saved up to get the expensive lighting. It WILL be the single most expensive thing, and expensive maintenance you have if you decide on corals. The bulbs are reccomended to be replaced bi-annually or at the very least annually. The protein skimmer isnt necessary RIGHT off the bat, but after fish have been in there for a while, it will be. Other than that, well i guess it all depends on if your going to wait to get corals with the refractometer and test kits and stuff like that.
A sump is just an extra tank set up under your aquarium in the cabinet where all the equipment is like the protein skimmer and the filter so you dont have to look at all the ugly stuff. They would also allow you to have a smaller size main tank if room was an issue or something because that would be like an extra 20 gallons right there. [at least] In my opinion, you need good filtration, including LR, aragonite sand, filter and protein skimmer. Others say that a filter isnt necessary, or that a skimmer isnt necessary. You want the water as clean as possible, right? Then why not use all of it? I would say that you need a better filter than what comes in those starter kits. I dont have one, but i dont know if people usually put lights on their sump, I guess it doesnt matter. The sumps arent COMPLETELY necessary, but do help. You were mentioning cost, and a sump is a big extra chunk.
A sump is just an extra tank set up under your aquarium in the cabinet where all the equipment is like the protein skimmer and the filter so you dont have to look at all the ugly stuff. They would also allow you to have a smaller size main tank if room was an issue or something because that would be like an extra 20 gallons right there. [at least] In my opinion, you need good filtration, including LR, aragonite sand, filter and protein skimmer. Others say that a filter isnt necessary, or that a skimmer isnt necessary. You want the water as clean as possible, right? Then why not use all of it? I would say that you need a better filter than what comes in those starter kits. I dont have one, but i dont know if people usually put lights on their sump, I guess it doesnt matter. The sumps arent COMPLETELY necessary, but do help. You were mentioning cost, and a sump is a big extra chunk.