Marine Quarantine


New Member
Sep 23, 2008
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I am getting approx a 15g tank over the weekend (second hand) and want to set it up as a quarantine tank for my marine fish.....can you tell me what the basic needs are for this please?

Like.....Do I need to have a large filtration system, LR, Skimmers, Powerheads etc or can it just be the saltwater, heater and a normal filter?

Any help will be greatly appreciated

Thanks in advance
A little piece of LR and a sponge filter goes a long way. No sand, no skimmer, and a small powerhead at the surface. Add lots of PLASTIC hiding places for fish :)
A little piece of LR and a sponge filter goes a long way. No sand, no skimmer, and a small powerhead at the surface. Add lots of PLASTIC hiding places for fish :)

Thanks Ski :good:

Might be a daft question, but what is a sponge filter so I know what I am looking for?

My main tank runs on the MariSys 240 and I have an extra powerhead in the tank, so these sponge filters on their own I am not familiar with :blush:

Good thread! Am intrested in this too as i never really new what to put in a Q/T tank!
A sponge filter is basically a powerhead/pump of some sort with a sponge attached to the intake. With the pump running, water is pulled through the sponge and there by acts like a filter... so its very easy for you to make your own if you have a powerhead/pump sitting around and a large enough sponge to have enough surface area for the bacteria

Ox :good:
A sponge filter is basically a powerhead/pump of some sort with a sponge attached to the intake. With the pump running, water is pulled through the sponge and there by acts like a filter... so its very easy for you to make your own if you have a powerhead/pump sitting around and a large enough sponge to have enough surface area for the bacteria

Ox :good:

Sorry for the late reply.

This sponge filter sounds like the internal ones used in tropical tanks like Elite and Fluval, am I right?

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