Marine Or Freshwater

You dont need the protein skimmer in freshwater. With the t5 just run the two 36w if you can, 72w over 180L will be enough, more light will just mean more algae.

Discus can get to really decent sizes like 8"+ in diameter, not to mention they like being in groups of 6+, it just isnt big enough really. Why dont you check in the african section about the yellow labs, but im pretty sure you could only have dwarf africans in there.

If she likes tetras, you could have a stocking list like so

12-15 neon/cardinal
6-8 rummynose
2 electric blue rams
2 bolivian/german blue rams or 2 Apistogrammas

There are plenty of other south american cichlids you could ask about in the new world section
For a well stocked African great lake tank, the protein skimmer would be great to have and a calcium reactor might be useful. If you have the tank and sump I would say use it also for fresh. I think that most people who do fresh water over salt is mostly cost(this is not always true as there are plenty of very expensive freshwater tanks).

So ya keep the skimmer and lamps! :good:

Thanks for your advice just down to the boss now to chose the fish she likes lol might not be my choice but as she says we all have to look at them. I'd be happy raising a couple of nice oscars but she doesn't lol
For a well stocked African great lake tank, the protein skimmer would be great to have and a calcium reactor might be useful. If you have the tank and sump I would say use it also for fresh. I think that most people who do fresh water over salt is mostly cost(this is not always true as there are plenty of very expensive freshwater tanks).

So ya keep the skimmer and lamps! :good:

I've have read in numerous places that protein skimmers cant function in freshwater as the lack f salinity means it struggles to create bubbles and therefore there is nothing to skim?
Apistogrammas and rams are asking for trouble in my experience and that was in my 400L never mind a small tank, plus they need different temps
Really the skimmer is a bonus for any large fish. They have large waste. I have run plenty of marine tanks and fresh. If the filter is powerful enough for salt its good enough for fresh
Apistogrammas and rams are asking for trouble in my experience and that was in my 400L never mind a small tank, plus they need different temps

Wasn't that because of your ridiculous breeding :lol:
Apistogrammas and rams are asking for trouble in my experience and that was in my 400L never mind a small tank, plus they need different temps

Wasn't that because of your ridiculous breeding :lol:

It's because the apisto get incredibly territorial even in large tank with lots of cover. Also gbr should be kept at 28c

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