Marine Guilty Pleasures


I'm trying really hard to act normal
Feb 28, 2003
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I was just reading a post, and yet again, the poor bristleworms were getting verbally burned at the stake. :lol: So, I wanted to start a thread about marine critters others may hate/loath/despise and give them some kudos. Personally, mine are bristleworms. Their pink pokey bodies..knowing their helping with tank maintenance. My tank's also not overrun with them, so I'm sure that's another reason why I don't feel the need to chant "Death to the BW's!", but instead have a pic of one as my comp's background. :)
I love mine also. It gives me a chance to over feed. Some of my fish are shy, so I can be more persistant with adding food, in knowledge Bristle worms will consume many left overs. Dont let this fool you into over feeding though, I dont do it every feed. :good: You still have to be careful.

I also keep my crabs. Although most should be treated as "FGuilty until proven innocent" because of their omnivorous behaviour, and difficulty to catch, if you can, take the opportunity to catch him. BUT, place him in a sump. They do serve a purpose, and all mine now go in Reef #2, where I dont care if they eat macro algae etc. :good:
allthough i remove a handful ocasionaly iu still love em to bits by far the coolest thing thats come of my rock. Also i hate to say this but i think aip loooks quite koool ... well until it spreads through your tank :p

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