Marine Fish Compatabilty?


Oct 13, 2005
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Horsham, West sussex
I have decided to start a marine tank- my first one, as i have the tropicals under control in my 55g and 80g tanks i have done a lot of reasearch and am just gearing up to the first stage of marine keeping- buying the tank i have my eye on a nice little tank of 30uk gallons however me being me just loves to dream and i was wondering what kind of fish and how many could i place in the same tank together in this 30g.
30Gallons still gives you alot of options, I guess you are looking at a reef tank which would include the following..

Dwarf Angels,

As for inverterbrae you could have any number of different shrimps such as cleaner shrimps, sexy shrimps and pistol shrimps (when paired with a goby). Also once your tank is properly matured there are various nuribranchs, i.e. slugs that you could have in there, just pick carefully.

Look up some of the fish above and see if you like any of them. Clownfish and Gobies are a good place to start along with grammas.

Sometimes the best thing to do is to look at other 30gallon tanks that you like the look of. See what they have come up with and do something similar. There are LOADS of tanks out there on the web, not only on this forum.

Good stuff from bunjiweb. 30Gs (? 30US?) is still a small marine tank. If you can go larger, it would be better, unless the plan is running a 'nano tank'. SH
thanks bunjiweb i expecialy like the sexy shrimp, firefish and dottybacks
and it is 30 UK gallons, i am new to marines and so have no wish to start a nano tank until i have more experience.
My first tank was 15Gallons. If you take it slow and research then i see no reason why 30G could not be a good starting point for marine.

Well it's all sounding good so far and im buying the tank tommorow.
can't get the filters, protien scimmers etc. for a while though- probably not until after christmas.
yay :D
i have set a deposit and the tank will be delivered in 3 weeks free of charge.
thanks for all your help.
tetrafan :D

just a quick edit: are there any nice looking schooling marine fish i could fit into my 30g?
Chromis, damsels or cardinals are the obvious ones, chromis probably being the safest. Some damsels do fine but others are real nighmares, ganging up on other fish. Cardinals would be fine but can be a little boring.

Chromis, damsels or cardinals are the obvious ones, chromis probably being the safest. Some damsels do fine but others are real nighmares, ganging up on other fish. Cardinals would be fine but can be a little boring.


I would say that the Cardinals would definatly be the safest option rather than the Chromis but as Ben says they are very booooooooorrriiinnnggg to watch (give it a prob to make sure it is alive)

The problem with adding a 'shoal' of Chromis is that that will take up most of your stocking density & will restirct what else (Fish Wise) you can add.
It would restrict a little, because of the bioload and room the fish take up, but you could add a few bottom fishes such as a goby or blenny. Also, a shoal of green chromisis can be very beautiful; I have also seen a picture of a reef tank with a shoal of firefish. Although, the same book told me that they were solitary, so I probably wouldnt try it.

Get yourself a protein skimmer as soon as possible, unless you are planning on doing water changes to work as your nutrient export. Using RO water I assume?

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