marbled birchar


Ex-LFS manager/ keeper of over 30 danio species
May 26, 2004
Reaction score
Kent UK
A quick question
can marbled bichir polypterus palmas palmas
unhinge their jaws and swallow fish whole?

The reason I'm asking is I have a very fat looking 8" bichir and
one missing 4" danio Maegahalayensis.
I was told that no fish under 3" should be kept with him
but surely a 4" fish should be safe :dunno:
Bichirs swallow food like snakes do so slim fish like Danios will slip down like spaggetti, that bichir must think it is in fishy heaven.
I think it is time to rehome him then :/

now where can I put another tank........
Inside a bichirs mouth besides a ton of teeth they have whats known as gular plates they use to compress food to make it easier to swallow-Anne

Actually deep bodied is more important then length
Wolfies, hun, just come to the dark side and have predatory fish (though I only have 4, not scary tanks likes Paul and CFC).
Give the danios up,

Come hither, my dear, come hither
Ok, I am sorry, I spammed this one, please delete, if the mods feel so.... :*) :devil: :devil:
One night when I went to bed....I had 3 day,I only had 2 gars.The ornate bichir looked very fat and full though. :)
These things happen Paul. :hey:

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