Hiya guys,
I don't exactly need help here, per se, I'm just kinda looking to see if anyone can give me a rough timeline of Maracyn-Two and Dropsy, or if I can expect to see certain things at certain times during the course.
I currently own 17 bettas and this is the first time any of them has had dropsy. I inspect them daily and went straight to get some Maracyn-Two when I noticed a couple of this guy's scales starting to pinecone. He's had his third dose of medicine today. He isn't really eating, but he's never been much of an eater anyway, so I'm not too worried about that. He had a huge clump of fungus hanging out of his left gill and getting in the way of his fin so I removed that with tweezers last night...I know I shouldn't have, but it seemed to be bothering him and came away very easily, and he does seem a lot more active today.
I'm hoping I've saved him - I do feel pretty confident, however, I'm kinda curious as to when I'll start to see his scales laying smooth again. Is every fish different, or should it happen by a certain day? They're not any better yet, but definitely not any worse, either.
Any replies would be great...cheers.
I don't exactly need help here, per se, I'm just kinda looking to see if anyone can give me a rough timeline of Maracyn-Two and Dropsy, or if I can expect to see certain things at certain times during the course.
I currently own 17 bettas and this is the first time any of them has had dropsy. I inspect them daily and went straight to get some Maracyn-Two when I noticed a couple of this guy's scales starting to pinecone. He's had his third dose of medicine today. He isn't really eating, but he's never been much of an eater anyway, so I'm not too worried about that. He had a huge clump of fungus hanging out of his left gill and getting in the way of his fin so I removed that with tweezers last night...I know I shouldn't have, but it seemed to be bothering him and came away very easily, and he does seem a lot more active today.
I'm hoping I've saved him - I do feel pretty confident, however, I'm kinda curious as to when I'll start to see his scales laying smooth again. Is every fish different, or should it happen by a certain day? They're not any better yet, but definitely not any worse, either.
Any replies would be great...cheers.