mantis shrimp


New Member
Feb 8, 2005
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peterborough ont
i have just read a disturbing post on mantis shrimp what are they and how do i avoud thenm in my reef
thanx guys that was very informative any one know what they look like or secrets to avoyding them(avoid) sorry terrible spelling
if I knew how to post pics on here I would. I have a great picture of one. My buddy has one in his sump. his sump is a 75 gallon tank though, and he purchased his at the lfs
If you put your LR in the sump for observation then move it to your main tank once your Sure its mantis free things may be a bit easier, that or do the same with a mantis eating fish in the sump, a trigger perhaps
Here a link to an earlier post of my peacock mantis i have in my sump. I think there very nice, intellegent creatures.of course it was my choice to have him in my tank, i suppose if it was a hitch-hiker on some L.R then i wouldnt be so impressed.
my mantis
for all thats be said and shown i would still have on in my sump as i find them very fasinating and colourful sounds strange but i like em ;)
Yeah, at one time I thought I had a mantis. But I have ruled that out for the most part. From the way it snaps I have figured it to be a pistol shrimp.
yeah, they are definitely fascinating, and would be great in a species
tank, they definitely are problematic in a reef when they show up
all of a sudden!
They look cool but the adult ones there claw has the force of a .22 caliber bullet had has been know to crack aquarium glass

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